Dr. A.W. Schneider

Dr. A.W. (Adriaan) Schneider is in opleiding tot cardiothoracaal chirurg.

Na het afronden van zijn studie geneeskunde is hij begonnen met wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de chirurgische behandelingen van complexe aortaklep- en aortawortelaandoeningen. Daarnaast hervatte hij tevens de klinische werkzaamheden op de afdeling Thoraxchirurgie. Zijn onderzoek resulteerde in het proefschrift “Surgical solutions for complex aortic root pathology”, waarmee hij in 2021 promoveerde.

Top-cited publications

167 times cited (±4/year) Source: EuropePMC

The American review of respiratory disease, Volume 125, Issue 6, 1 1 1982, Pages 644-649 Validation of respiratory inductive plethysmography using different calibration procedures. Chadha TS, Watson H, Birch S, Jenouri GA, Schneider AW, Cohn MA, Sackner MA. Abstract

109 times cited (±4/year) Source: EuropePMC

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), Volume 29, Issue 2, 1 1 1999, Pages 334-339 Effect of losartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, on portal pressure in cirrhosis. Schneider AW, Kalk JF, Klein CP. Abstract

44 times cited (±2/year) Source: EuropePMC

Journal of hepatology, Volume 30, Issue 5, 1 1 1999, Pages 876-881 Hepatic arterial pulsatility index in cirrhosis: correlation with portal pressure. Schneider AW, Kalk JF, Klein CP. Abstract

Most recent publications

01 Jul 2024

European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Volume 66, Issue 1, 1 1 2024, Pages ezae275 Hybrid palliation to promote growth of left ventricle and left ventricular outflow tract. Eising JB, Bökenkamp R, Schneider AW, Kuipers IM, Hazekamp MG. Abstract

22 Aug 2023

Urologie (Heidelberg, Germany), Volume 62, Issue 9, 22 4 2023, Pages 903-912 [Models for collaboration]. Köhrmann KU, Schneider AW. Abstract

19 Jul 2022

Urologie (Heidelberg, Germany), Volume 61, Issue 12, 19 3 2022, Pages 1365-1372 [Acceptance and status of digitalization in clinics and practices : Current assessment in German urology]. Borkowetz A, Leitsmann M, Baunacke M, Borgmann H, Boehm K, Groeben C, Roigas J, Schneider AW, Speck T, Schroeder-Printzen I, Zillich S, Volkmer B, Witzsch U, Huber J, Arbeitskreis Versorgungsforschung, Qualität und Ökonomie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie e. V., Arbeitskreis Informationstechnologie und Dokumentation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie e. V.. Abstract