Dr. L.F. Tops

Dr. L.F. (Laurens) Tops is cardioloog met als aandachtsgebied de beeldvorming van het hart. 

De opleiding tot cardioloog volgde hij in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. 

In 2010 promoveerde hij cum laude op het proefschrift "Multimodality imaging to guide cardiac interventional procedures". In dit proefschrift wordt beschreven hoe verschillende beeldvormende technieken (CT scan, echocardiografie) nieuwe interventieprocedures (zoals katheterablatie procedures en percutane hartklepimplantaties) kunnen vergemakkelijken. Een deel van het onderzoek deed hij aan Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA). 

Top-cited publications

292 times cited (±17/year) Source: EuropePMC

European heart journal, Volume 29, Issue 4, 15 3 2007, Pages 531-556 Cardiac computed tomography: indications, applications, limitations, and training requirements: report of a Writing Group deployed by the Working Group Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Council of Nuclear Cardiology. Schroeder S, Achenbach S, Bengel F, Burgstahler C, Cademartiri F, de Feyter P, George R, Kaufmann P, Kopp AF, Knuuti J, Ropers D, Schuijf J, Tops LF, Bax JJ, Working Group Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT, European Society of Cardiology, European Council of Nuclear Cardiology. Abstract

250 times cited (±15/year) Source: EuropePMC

JACC. Cardiovascular imaging, Volume 1, Issue 3, 1 1 2008, Pages 321-330 Noninvasive evaluation of the aortic root with multislice computed tomography implications for transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Tops LF, Wood DA, Delgado V, Schuijf JD, Mayo JR, Pasupati S, Lamers FP, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Webb JG, Bax JJ. Abstract

248 times cited (±15/year) Source: EuropePMC

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 51, Issue 20, 1 1 2008, Pages 1944-1952 Assessment of left ventricular dyssynchrony by speckle tracking strain imaging comparison between longitudinal, circumferential, and radial strain in cardiac resynchronization therapy. Delgado V, Ypenburg C, van Bommel RJ, Tops LF, Mollema SA, Marsan NA, Bleeker GB, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ. Abstract

Most recent publications

30 Aug 2024

Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis, Volume 8, Issue 6, 30 5 2024, Pages 102558 Erratum to 'Performance of Risk Scores in Predicting Major Bleeding in Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Recipients: a Comparative External Validation. '[Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2024;8:e102437]. van der Horst SFB, de Jong Y, van Rein N, Jukema JW, Palmen M, Janssen E, Bonneville EF, Klok FA, Huisman MV, Tops LF, den Exter PL. Abstract

14 Jun 2024

The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation, Volume 43, Issue 8, 14 2 2024, Pages 1199-1234 An ISHLT consensus statement on strategies to prevent and manage hemocompatibility related adverse events in patients with a durable, continuous-flow ventricular assist device. Hollis IB, Jennings DL, Krim S, Ton VK, Ducharme A, Cowger J, Looby M, Eulert-Green JJ, Bansal N, Horn E, Byku M, Katz J, Michaud CJ, Rajapreyar I, Campbell P, Vale C, Cosgrove R, Hernandez-Montfort J, Otero J, Ingemi A, Raj S, Weeks P, Agarwal R, Martinez ES, Tops LF, Ahmed MM, Kiskaddon A, Kremer J, Keebler M, Ratnagiri RK. Abstract

10 Jun 2024

European journal of heart failure, Volume 26, Issue 11, 10 2 2024, Pages 2304-2322 Right heart failure with left ventricular assist devices: Preoperative, perioperative and postoperative management strategies. A clinical consensus statement of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. Adamopoulos S, Bonios M, Ben Gal T, Gustafsson F, Abdelhamid M, Adamo M, Bayes-Genis A, Böhm M, Chioncel O, Cohen-Solal A, Damman K, Di Nora C, Hashmani S, Hill L, Jaarsma T, Jankowska E, Lopatin Y, Masetti M, Mehra MR, Milicic D, Moura B, Mullens W, Nalbantgil S, Panagiotou C, Piepoli M, Rakisheva A, Ristic A, Rivinius R, Savarese G, Thum T, Tocchetti CG, Tops LF, Van Laake LW, Volterrani M, Seferovic P, Coats A, Metra M, Rosano G. Abstract