Arti A. Ramkisoensing, MD, PhD

Arti Ramkisoensing is a board-certified cardiologist specialized in imaging and molecular & cellular cardiac biology.

After finishing medical school and my masters in Biomedical Sciences, the decision to do a PhD at the laboratory of Experimental Cardiology was easily made. It gave me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge and skills in the field of cardiovascular stem cell biology without losing touch with the clinic. My PhD training mainly focused on unraveling environmental, molecular and genetic determinants of cardiac differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Here you can find my full thesis.

Through these studies I came to realize that for cardiac regeneration by cell transplantation, not only the effects of the transplanted cells on host damage tissue are important, but that the effects of this host tissue on the guest cells (especially in terms of differentiation) is equally, or even more, important in steering the therapeutic potential. Currently, however, this aspect of cardiac regenerative medicine has been poorly investigated, due to a lack of dedicated research tools. One of my aims is to address this lack in knowledge, which might provide us with valuable insight into how to improve the therapeutic potential of cardiac regenerative medicine, despite all its remaining challenges. An overview of my scientific work can be found here.

After finishing my PhD training in late 2012, I entered the cardiology training program of the LUMC. In May 2014, I defended my thesis and obtained by PhD, while continuing my cardiology residency at the Rijnland Hospital in Leiderdorp. In returned to the LUMC in 2016. Here I will complete my training in early 2019 to become a cardiologist specialized in non-invasive imaging, while focusing on my pre-clinical research projects. With this combination I aim to serve the patient's best interest with today's clinical options, while contributing to the development and implementation of those of tomorrow.


Top-cited publications

90 times cited (±5/year) Source: EuropePMC

Circulation research, Volume 103, Issue 2, 12 2 2008, Pages 167-176 Forced alignment of mesenchymal stem cells undergoing cardiomyogenic differentiation affects functional integration with cardiomyocyte cultures. Pijnappels DA, Schalij MJ, Ramkisoensing AA, van Tuyn J, de Vries AA, van der Laarse A, Ypey DL, Atsma DE. Abstract

51 times cited (±4/year) Source: EuropePMC

PloS one, Volume 6, Issue 9, 9 2 2011, Pages e24164 Human embryonic and fetal mesenchymal stem cells differentiate toward three different cardiac lineages in contrast to their adult counterparts. Ramkisoensing AA, Pijnappels DA, Askar SF, Passier R, Swildens J, Goumans MJ, Schutte CI, de Vries AA, Scherjon S, Mummery CL, Schalij MJ, Atsma DE. Abstract

26 times cited (±2/year) Source: EuropePMC

Cardiovascular research, Volume 90, Issue 2, 13 2 2011, Pages 295-304 Antiproliferative treatment of myofibroblasts prevents arrhythmias in vitro by limiting myofibroblast-induced depolarization. Askar SF, Ramkisoensing AA, Schalij MJ, Bingen BO, Swildens J, van der Laarse A, Atsma DE, de Vries AA, Ypey DL, Pijnappels DA. Abstract

Most recent publications

01 Mar 2024

Cardiovascular research, Volume 120, Issue 3, 1 1 2024, Pages 249-261 'Trapped re-entry' as source of acute focal atrial arrhythmias. De Coster T, Teplenin AS, Feola I, Bart CI, Ramkisoensing AA, den Ouden BL, Ypey DL, Trines SA, Panfilov AV, Zeppenfeld K, de Vries AAF, Pijnappels DA. Abstract

01 Jan 2024

European heart journal. Imaging methods and practice, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1 1 2024, Pages qyae029 Cardiovascular imaging research and innovation in 2023. Barison A, Timoteo AT, Liga R, Borodzicz-Jazdzyk S, El Messaoudi S, Luong C, Mandoli GE, Moscatelli S, Ramkisoensing AA, Moharem-Elgamal S, Pontone G, Neglia D. Abstract

21 Jun 2023

Journal of internal medicine, Volume 294, Issue 3, 21 3 2023, Pages 347-357 Light transmittance in human atrial tissue and transthoracic illumination in rats support translatability of optogenetic cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. Nyns ECA, Portero V, Deng S, Jin T, Harlaar N, Bart CI, van Brakel TJ, Palmen M, Hjortnaes J, Ramkisoensing AA, Zhang GQ, Poelma RH, Ördög B, de Vries AAF, Pijnappels DA. Abstract