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Below you can find a list of our published research.
6143 results
Cited 18 times since 2007 (1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Circulation, Volume 116, Issue 18, 15 3 2007, Pages 2018-2028 Resynchronization of separated rat cardiomyocyte fields with genetically modified human ventricular scar fibroblasts. Pijnappels DA, van Tuyn J, de Vries AA, Grauss RW, van der Laarse A, Ypey DL, Atsma DE, Schalij MJ
Background: Nonresponse to cardiac resynchronization therapy is associated with the presence of slow or nonconducting scar tissue. Genetic modification of scar tissue, aimed at improving conduction, may be a novel approach to achieve effective resynchronization. Therefore, the feasibility of resynchronization with genetically modified human ventricular scar fibroblasts was studied in a coculture model. Methods and results: An in vitro model was used to study the effects of forced expression of t... Abstract
Nature clinical practice. Cardiovascular medicine, Volume 4, Issue 12, 9 2 2007, Pages 644-645 Can tissue Doppler imaging detect myocardial viability in patients with left ventricular dysfunction? Bax JJ, Poldermans D
Cited 106 times since 2007 (6.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology, Volume 455, Issue 6, 2 1 2007, Pages 979-986 Release of cardiac troponin I from viable cardiomyocytes is mediated by integrin stimulation. Hessel MH, Atsma DE, van der Valk EJ, Bax WH, Schalij MJ, van der Laarse A
Elevated cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) levels have been demonstrated in serum of patients without acute coronary syndromes, potentially via a stretch-related process. We hypothesize that this cTnI release from viable cardiomyocytes is mediated by stimulation of stretch-responsive integrins. Cultured cardiomyocytes were treated with (1) Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (GRGDS, n = 22) to stimulate integrins, (2) Ser-Asp-Gly-Arg-Gly (SDGRG, n = 8) that does not stimulate integrins, or (3) phosphate-buffered saline... Abstract
Cited 32 times since 2007 (1.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
Molecular and cellular biochemistry, Volume 308, Issue 1-2, 2 1 2007, Pages 25-33 Modulation of calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells in culture by calcium antagonists, statins, and their combination. Trion A, Schutte-Bart C, Bax WH, Jukema JW, van der Laarse A
Background: Vascular calcification is an organized process in which vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) are implicated primarily. The purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of calcium antagonists and statins on VSMC calcification in vitro. Methods: VSMC calcification was stimulated by incubation in growth medium supplemented with 10 mmol/l beta-glycerophosphate, 8 mmol/l CaCl(2), 10 mmol/l sodium pyruvate, 1 micromol/l insulin, 50 microg/ml ascorbic acid, and 100 nmol/l dexameth... Abstract
Cited 7 times since 2007 (0.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society, Volume 49, Issue 5, 1 1 2007, Pages 600-602 Prothrombotic risk factors in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Senbil N, Yüksel D, Yilmaz D, Gürer YK
Background: The purpose of the present paper was to investigate the prevalence of prothrombotic risk factors associated with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: Twenty-three hemiplegic CP patients were tested for inherited and acquired prothrombotic risk factors, except methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTFR) polymorphism. Results: A total of 56.5% of patients had at least one coagulation abnormality and 13% of them had two. Four patients (8.7%) had infection and congenital heart diseas... Abstract
Cited 117 times since 2007 (6.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Diabetes care, Volume 30, Issue 10, 1 1 2007, Pages 2729-2736 Screening for coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes. Bax JJ, Young LH, Frye RL, Bonow RO, Steinberg HO, Barrett EJ, ADA
Coronary artery disease (CAD) accounts for a large fraction of the morbidity, mortality, and cost of diabetes. Recognizing this, nearly 10 years ago the American Diabetes Association published a consensus recommendation that clinicians consider a risk factor-guided screening approach to early diagnosis of CAD in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Subsequent clinical trial results have not supported those recommendations. Since the prior consensus statement, newer imaging methods, such a... Abstract
Cited 12 times since 2007 (0.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Acta cardiologica, Volume 62, Issue 5, 1 1 2007, Pages 445-451 Myocardial blush grade: a predictor for major adverse cardiac events after primary PTCA with stent implantation for acute myocardial infarction. Kaya MG, Arslan F, Abaci A, van der Heijden G, Timurkaynak T, Cengel A
Objectives: Optimal myocardial reperfusion is of great importance for survival of patients with AMI undergoing PTCA. According to the Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 3 score, restoration of epicardial flow is achieved in the majority of patients. However, the myocardial blush grade (MBG) may offer additional information for survival. Therefore, we sought to determine whether myocardial blush grades were associated with MACE during follow-up in a high-risk AMI population undergoing p... Abstract
Cited 24 times since 2007 (1.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Anesthesiology, Volume 107, Issue 4, 1 1 2007, Pages 537-544 Guidelines for cardiac management in noncardiac surgery are poorly implemented in clinical practice: results from a peripheral vascular survey in the Netherlands. Hoeks SE, Scholte op Reimer WJ, Lenzen MJ, van Urk H, Jörning PJ, Boersma E, Simoons ML, Bax JJ, Poldermans D
Background: The American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery recommend an algorithm for a stepwise approach to preoperative cardiac assessment in vascular surgery patients. The authors' main objective was to determine adherence to the ACC/AHA guidelines on perioperative care in daily clinical practice. Methods: Between May and December 2004, data on 711 consecutive peripheral vascular surg... Abstract
Cited 83 times since 2007 (4.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Radiology, Volume 245, Issue 1, 1 1 2007, Pages 251-257 Metabolic imaging of myocardial triglyceride content: reproducibility of 1H MR spectroscopy with respiratory navigator gating in volunteers. van der Meer RW, Doornbos J, Kozerke S, Schär M, Bax JJ, Hammer S, Smit JW, Romijn JA, Diamant M, Rijzewijk LJ, de Roos A, Lamb HJ
Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained. The purpose of the study was to prospectively compare spectral resolution and reproducibility of hydrogen 1 (1H) magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy, with and without respiratory motion compensation based on navigator echoes, in the assessment of myocardial triglyceride content in the human heart. In 20 volunteers (14 men, six women; mean age+/-standard error, 31 years+/-2.8 [range, 19-60 years]; body mass index, 19-30 kg/m... Abstract
Cited 32 times since 2007 (1.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
The Journal of general virology, Volume 88, Issue Pt 10, 1 1 2007, Pages 2702-2709 Immunization of Syrian golden hamsters with F subunit vaccine of human metapneumovirus induces protection against challenge with homologous or heterologous strains. Herfst S, de Graaf M, Schrauwen EJA, Ulbrandt ND, Barnes AS, Senthil K, Osterhaus ADME, Fouchier RAM, van den Hoogen BG
Human metapneumovirus (hMPV), a newly discovered paramyxovirus, is associated with acute respiratory-tract illness, primarily in young children, individuals with underlying disease and the elderly. Two genetic lineages of hMPV circulate around the world, and viruses from these two lineages demonstrate antigenic differences. The clinical impact of hMPV warrants the development of vaccines. Recombinant soluble fusion (F) proteins of prototype viruses of the two main lineages of hMPV that can be pr... Abstract
Cited 1 times since 2007 (0.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Revista espanola de cardiologia, Volume 60, Issue 10, 1 1 2007, Pages 1083-1091 [Coronary risk assessment in the management of patients undergoing noncardiac vascular surgery]. Schouten O, Bax JJ, Poldermans D
Patients scheduled for noncardiac vascular surgery are at significant risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality due to underlying symptomatic or asymptomatic coronary artery disease. This review will give an overview of current preoperative cardiac risk assessment strategies for patients undergoing noncardiac vascular surgery. Clinical cardiac risk scores are useful tools for the simple identification of patients with an increased perioperative cardiac risk. These risk scores include factor... Abstract
Cited 18 times since 2007 (1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 50, Issue 17, 1 1 2007, Pages 1649-1656 Intensity of statin therapy in relation to myocardial ischemia, troponin T release, and clinical cardiac outcome in patients undergoing major vascular surgery. Feringa HH, Schouten O, Karagiannis SE, Brugts J, Elhendy A, Boersma E, Vidakovic R, van Sambeek MR, Noordzij PG, Bax JJ, Poldermans D
Objectives: This study sought to examine whether higher statin doses and lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol are associated with improved cardiac outcome in vascular surgery patients. Background: Statins may have cardioprotective effects during major vascular surgery. Methods: In a prospective study of 359 vascular surgery patients, statin dose and cholesterol levels were recorded preoperatively. Myocardial ischemia and heart rate variability were assessed by 72-h 12-lead electrocard... Abstract
Cited 95 times since 2007 (5.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Circulation, Volume 116, Issue 17, 1 1 2007, Pages 1931-1941 CC chemokine ligand-5 (CCL5/RANTES) and CC chemokine ligand-18 (CCL18/PARC) are specific markers of refractory unstable angina pectoris and are transiently raised during severe ischemic symptoms. Kraaijeveld AO, de Jager SC, de Jager WJ, Prakken BJ, McColl SR, Haspels I, Putter H, van Berkel TJ, Nagelkerken L, Jukema JW, Biessen EA
Background: Chemokines play an important role in atherogenesis and in ischemic injury and repair; however, prospective data on individual chemokines in unstable angina pectoris (UAP) are scarce. Therefore, we assessed chemokine patterns in a prospective cohort of patients with UAP. Methods and results: Plasma samples of 54 patients with Braunwald class IIIB UAP were examined at baseline for 11 chemokines and 5 inflammatory mediators via multiplex analysis. Levels of CC chemokine ligand (CCL)-5 (... Abstract
Cited 69 times since 2007 (3.9 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 50, Issue 16, 1 1 2007, Pages 1532-1540 Left ventricular dyssynchrony acutely after myocardial infarction predicts left ventricular remodeling. Mollema SA, Liem SS, Suffoletto MS, Bleeker GB, van der Hoeven BL, van de Veire NR, Boersma E, Holman ER, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Gorcsan J, Bax JJ
Objectives: We sought to identify predictors of left ventricular (LV) remodeling after acute myocardial infarction. Background: Left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction is associated with an adverse long-term prognosis. Early identification of patients prone to LV remodeling is needed to optimize therapeutic management. Methods: A total of 178 consecutive patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention were included. Wi... Abstract
Cited 61 times since 2007 (3.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of internal medicine, Volume 262, Issue 6, 1 1 2007, Pages 678-689 Differential leucocyte count and the risk of future coronary artery disease in healthy men and women: the EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Study. Rana JS, Boekholdt SM, Ridker PM, Jukema JW, Luben R, Bingham SA, Day NE, Wareham NJ, Kastelein JJ, Khaw KT
Background: We examined the relationship between granulocyte, lymphocyte and monocyte counts and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in men and women. There is paucity of data on the differential leucocyte count and its relationship with the risk of CHD and CVD. Methods: This prospective study comprised 7073 men and 9035 women who were 45-79 years of age and were residents of Norfolk. United Kingdom. Results: During an average of 8 years of follow-up we identifi... Abstract
Cited 17 times since 2007 (1 per year) source: EuropePMC
The FEBS journal, Volume 274, Issue 20, 26 4 2007, Pages 5425-5437 Aplysia temptin - the 'glue' in the water-borne attractin pheromone complex. Cummins SF, Xie F, de Vries MR, Annangudi SP, Misra M, Degnan BM, Sweedler JV, Nagle GT, Schein CH
Temptin, a component of the complex of water-borne protein pheromones that stimulate attraction and mating behavior in the marine mollusk Aplysia, has sequence homology to the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains of higher organisms that mediate protein-cell surface contact during fertilization and blood coagulation. In this work, recombinant temptin for structural and functional studies was produced in Escherichia coli using a cold shock promoter and purified by RP-HPLC. CD spectra confir... Abstract
Cited 178 times since 2007 (10.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 50, Issue 15, 24 4 2007, Pages 1476-1483 Combined longitudinal and radial dyssynchrony predicts ventricular response after resynchronization therapy. Gorcsan J, Tanabe M, Bleeker GB, Suffoletto MS, Thomas NC, Saba S, Tops LF, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that a combined echocardiographic assessment of longitudinal dyssynchrony by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) and radial dyssynchrony by speckle-tracking strain may predict left ventricular (LV) functional response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Background: Mechanical LV dyssynchrony is associated with response to CRT; however, complex patterns may exist. Methods: We studied 190 heart failure patients (ejection fraction [E... Abstract
Cited 40 times since 2007 (2.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Radiology, Volume 245, Issue 2, 21 3 2007, Pages 416-423 Evaluation of patients with previous coronary stent implantation with 64-section CT. Schuijf JD, Pundziute G, Jukema JW, Lamb HJ, Tuinenburg JC, van der Hoeven BL, de Roos A, Reiber JH, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ
Purpose: To prospectively evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 64-section computed tomography (CT) for the assessment of in-stent or peristent restenosis, with conventional coronary angiography as the reference standard. Materials and methods: The study was approved by the medical ethics committee, and informed consent was obtained in all 50 enrolled patients (40 men, 10 women; mean age, 60 years +/- 11 [standard deviation]). In addition to conventional coronary angiography with quantitative coro... Abstract
Cited 58 times since 2007 (3.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Atherosclerosis, Volume 197, Issue 1, 14 2 2007, Pages 57-63 Atorvastatin increases HDL cholesterol by reducing CETP expression in cholesterol-fed APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice. de Haan W, van der Hoogt CC, Westerterp M, Hoekstra M, Dallinga-Thie GM, Princen HM, Romijn JA, Jukema JW, Havekes LM, Rensen PC
Objective: In addition to lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, statins modestly increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol in humans and decrease cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mass and activity. Our aim was to determine whether the increase in HDL depends on CETP expression. Methods and results: APOE*3-Leiden (E3L) mice, with a human-like lipoprotein profile and a human-like responsiveness to statin treatment, were crossbred with mice expressing human CETP und... Abstract
Cited 57 times since 2007 (3.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
American heart journal, Volume 154, Issue 6, 14 2 2007, Pages 1160-1165 Myocardial contractile reserve predicts improvement in left ventricular function after cardiac resynchronization therapy. Ypenburg C, Sieders A, Bleeker GB, Holman ER, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ
Background: Myocardial contractile reserve has been shown to provide important prognostic information in patients with heart failure. We hypothesized that myocardial contractile reserve would predict left ventricular (LV) reverse remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Methods: Thirty-one consecutive patients with heart failure (LV ejection fraction [LVEF] 26% +/- 7%, 35% nonischemic cardiomyopathy) underwent echocardiography during low-dose dobutamine infusion before CRT impla... Abstract