Below you can find a list of our published research.
Below you can find a list of our published research.
6125 results
Musculoskeletal science & practice, Volume 67, 21 3 2023, Pages 102861 Measurement properties of a computer adaptive device, the Senscoordination 3D Cervical Trainer, to assess cervical range of motion in people with neck pain. Thoomes E, Cleland JA, Falla D, de Pauw R, Maissan F, de Graaf M
Introduction: Clinicians commonly assess cervical range of motion (ROM) in patients with neck pain. Recently, a new instrument has been developed, the Senscoordination 3D Cervical Trainer (SCT), designed to measure neck ROM in addition to joint position error, static and dynamic balance performance, and performance on a 'neuro muscular control test'. This study aims to assess the interrater reliability, concurrent validity, and responsiveness of the SCT using the CROM device as a compa... Abstract
Cited 3 times since 2023 (2.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
JACC. Cardiovascular imaging, Volume 17, Issue 1, 20 3 2023, Pages 79-95 Tricuspid Regurgitation: From Imaging to Clinical Trials to Resolving the Unmet Need for Treatment. Grapsa J, Praz F, Sorajja P, Cavalcante JL, Sitges M, Taramasso M, Piazza N, Messika-Zeitoun D, Michelena HI, Hamid N, Dreyfus J, Benfari G, Argulian E, Chieffo A, Tchetche D, Rudski L, Bax JJ, Stephan von Bardeleben R, Patterson T, Redwood S, Bapat VN, Nickenig G, Lurz P, Hausleiter J, Kodali S, Hahn RT, Maisano F, Enriquez-Sarano M
Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is a highly prevalent and heterogeneous valvular disease, independently associated with excess mortality and high morbidity in all clinical contexts. TR is profoundly undertreated by surgery and is often discovered late in patients presenting with right-sided heart failure. To address the issue of undertreatment and poor clinical outcomes without intervention, numerous structural tricuspid interventional devices have been and are in development, a challenging process... Abstract
Circulation, Volume 148, Issue 12, 18 3 2023, Pages 980-981 Response by Essayagh et al to Letter Regarding Article, "The MIDA-Q Mortality Risk Score: A Quantitative Prognostic Tool for the Mitral Valve Prolapse Spectrum". Essayagh B, Benfari G, Antoine C, Grigioni F, Le Tourneau T, Roussel JC, Bax JJ, Marsan NA, van Wijngaarden A, Tribouilloy C, Rusinaru D, Hochstadt A, Topilsky Y, Topilsky Y, Thapa P, Michelena HI, Enriquez-Sarano M
Cited 1 times since 2023 (0.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography, Volume 37, Issue 1, 18 3 2023, Pages 77-86 Association Between Left Ventricular Apical-to-Basal Strain Ratio and Conduction Disorders after Aortic Valve Replacement. Laenens D, Stassen J, Galloo X, Myagmardorj R, Marsan NA, Bax JJ
Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate whether left ventricular apical-to-basal longitudinal strain differences, representing advanced basal interstitial fibrosis, are associated with conduction disorders after aortic valve replacement (AVR) in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Methods: Patients with aortic stenosis undergoing AVR were included. The apical-to-basal strain ratio was calculated by dividing the average strain of the apical segments by the average strain of the basal s... Abstract
Cited 4 times since 2023 (2.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
European journal of heart failure, Volume 25, Issue 12, 18 3 2023, Pages 2299-2311 Machine learning-based prediction of in-hospital death for patients with takotsubo syndrome: The InterTAK-ML model. De Filippo O, Cammann VL, Pancotti C, Di Vece D, Silverio A, Schweiger V, Niederseer D, Szawan KA, Würdinger M, Koleva I, Dusi V, Bellino M, Vecchione C, Parodi G, Bossone E, Gili S, Neuhaus M, Franke J, Meder B, Jaguszewski M, Noutsias M, Knorr M, Jansen T, Dichtl W, von Lewinski D, Burgdorf C, Kherad B, Tschöpe C, Sarcon A, Shinbane J, Rajan L, Michels G, Pfister R, Cuneo A, Jacobshagen C, Karakas M, Koenig W, Pott A, Meyer P, Roffi M, Banning A, Wolfrum M, Cuculi F, Kobza R, Fischer TA, Vasankari T, Airaksinen KEJ, Napp LC, Dworakowski R, MacCarthy P, Kaiser C, Osswald S, Galiuto L, Chan C, Bridgman P, Beug D, Delmas C, Lairez O, Gilyarova E, Shilova A, Gilyarov M, El-Battrawy I, Akin I, Poledniková K, Toušek P, Winchester DE, Massoomi M, Galuszka J, Ukena C, Poglajen G, Carrilho-Ferreira P, Hauck C, Paolini C, Bilato C, Kobayashi Y, Kato K, Ishibashi I, Himi T, Din J, Al-Shammari A, Prasad A, Rihal CS, Liu K, Schulze PC, Bianco M, Jörg L, Rickli H, Pestana G, Nguyen TH, Böhm M, Maier LS, Pinto FJ, Widimsk
Aims: Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is associated with a substantial rate of adverse events. We sought to design a machine learning (ML)-based model to predict the risk of in-hospital death and to perform a clustering of TTS patients to identify different risk profiles. Methods and results: A ridge logistic regression-based ML model for predicting in-hospital death was developed on 3482 TTS patients from the International Takotsubo (InterTAK) Registry, randomly split in a train and an internal valida... Abstract
International journal of cardiology. Congenital heart disease, Volume 14, 17 3 2023, Pages 100476 Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation in right ventricle-aorta conduit in an adult patient with Fontan circulation. Nederend M, van der Kley F, Regeer MV, Bökenkamp R, de Weger A, Jongbloed MRM, Egorova AD
Catheter interventions can offer patient tailored solutions in high-risk congenital heart disease patients. A 21-year-old male with a Fontan circulation in the setting of unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect with a hypoplastic left ventricle and an aortic homograft connecting the right ventricular outflow tract to the ascending aorta, developed failure of the heavily calcified homograft with severe regurgitation and stenosis. He underwent three sequential transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve... Abstract
Atherosclerosis, Volume 383, 16 3 2023, Pages 117301 Effects of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system inhibitors on coronary atherosclerotic plaques: The PARADIGM registry. Williams C, Han D, Takagi H, Fordyce CB, Sellers S, Blanke P, Lin FY, Shaw LJ, Lee SE, Andreini D, Al-Mallah MH, Budoff MJ, Cademartiri F, Chinnaiyan K, Choi JH, Conte E, Marques H, de Araújo Gonçalves P, Gottlieb I, Hadamitzky M, Maffei E, Pontone G, Shin S, Kim YJ, Lee BK, Chun EJ, Sung JM, Virmani R, Samady H, Stone PH, Berman DS, Narula J, Bax JJ, Leipsic JA, Chang HJ
Background and aims: Inhibition of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System (RAAS) has been hypothesized to improve endothelial function and reduce plaque inflammation, however, their impact on the progression of coronary atherosclerosis is unclear. We aim to study the effects of RAAS inhibitor on plaque progression and composition assessed by serial coronary CT angiography (CCTA). Methods: We performed a prospective, multinational study consisting of a registry of patients without history of CAD, w... Abstract
BMJ open, Volume 13, Issue 9, 15 3 2023, Pages e076143 Effectiveness of thoracic spine manipulation for upper quadrant musculoskeletal disorders: protocol for a systematic review. Thoomes E, Tilborghs G, Heneghan NR, Falla D, de Graaf M
Introduction: Upper quadrant musculoskeletal disorders (UQMD), comprising of cranial, cervical, shoulder and upper extremity disorders, are among the most frequently reported disorders in clinical practice. Thoracic high velocity low amplitude thrust (Tx-HVLAT) manipulation is a form of conservative management recommended in systematic reviews as an effective treatment option for aspects of UQMD disorders such headache, shoulder pain and lateral elbow pain. However, no recent systematic reviews... Abstract
The Annals of thoracic surgery, Volume 117, Issue 1, 14 2 2023, Pages 120-126 A Nationwide Study on Mitral Valve Repair vs Replacement for Active Endocarditis. Tomšič A, de Weger A, van der Stoel M, Klautz RJM, Palmen M, Cardiothoracic Surgery Registration Committee of the Netherlands Heart Registration
Background: Real-world evidence supporting the reproducibility and superiority of valve repair over replacement in active mitral valve infective endocarditis is lacking. Methods: Data from a prospective nationwide database, including all cardiac surgical procedures in The Netherlands, were used. Adult patients undergoing primary mitral valve intervention who had a diagnosis of active infective endocarditis and who underwent surgery between 2013 and 2020 were included. Survival analysis was perfo... Abstract
Cited 1 times since 2023 (0.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation, Volume 31, Issue 11, 14 2 2023, Pages 454-455 Career perspectives for young cardiologists in the Netherlands: an update. Bosch L, Minneboo M, Baggen VJM, Beusekamp JC, Yilmaz D, Haroun D, Vorselaars VMM, Meijers WC
Cited 2 times since 2023 (1.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 12, Issue 18, 13 2 2023, Pages e029216 Long-Term Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Alirocumab in 8242 Patients Eligible for 3 to 5 Years of Placebo-Controlled Observation in the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial. Goodman SG, Steg PG, Poulouin Y, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Diaz R, Garon G, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Manvelian G, Stipek W, Szarek M, White HD, Schwartz GG, ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators
Psychology of sport and exercise, Volume 70, 9 2 2023, Pages 102532 Less stick more carrot? Increasing the uptake of deposit contract financial incentives for physical activity: A randomized controlled trial. de Buisonjé DR, Reijnders T, Cohen Rodrigues TR, Santhanam P, Kowatsch T, Breeman LD, Janssen VR, Kraaijenhagen RA, Kemps HMC, Evers AWM
Background: Financial incentives are a promising tool to help people increase their physical activity, but they are expensive to provide. Deposit contracts are a type of financial incentive in which participants pledge their own money. However, low uptake is a crucial obstacle to the large-scale implementation of deposit contracts. Therefore, we investigated whether (1) matching the deposit 1:1 (doubling what is deposited) and (2) allowing for customizable deposit amounts increased the uptake an... Abstract
Cited 7 times since 2023 (4.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology, Volume 11, Issue 10, 8 2 2023, Pages 743-754 The optimal healthy ranges of thyroid function defined by the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality: systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Xu Y, Derakhshan A, Hysaj O, Wildisen L, Ittermann T, Pingitore A, Abolhassani N, Medici M, Kiemeney LALM, Riksen NP, Dullaart RPF, Trompet S, Dörr M, Brown SJ, Schmidt B, Führer-Sakel D, Vanderpump MPJ, Muendlein A, Drexel H, Fink HA, Ikram MK, Kavousi M, Rhee CM, Bensenor IM, Azizi F, Hankey GJ, Iacoviello M, Imaizumi M, Ceresini G, Ferrucci L, Sgarbi JA, Bauer DC, Wareham N, Boelaert K, Bakker SJL, Jukema JW, Vaes B, Iervasi G, Yeap BB, Westendorp RGJ, Korevaar TIM, Völzke H, Razvi S, Gussekloo J, Walsh JP, Cappola AR, Rodondi N, Peeters RP, Chaker L, Thyroid Studies Collaboration
Background: Reference intervals of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) are statistically defined by the 2·5-97·5th percentiles, without accounting for potential risk of clinical outcomes. We aimed to define the optimal healthy ranges of TSH and FT4 based on the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Methods: This systematic review and individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis identified eligible prospective cohorts through the Thyroid Studies Collaboration, su... Abstract
Cited 3 times since 2023 (2 per year) source: EuropePMC
International journal of molecular sciences, Volume 24, Issue 18, 7 1 2023, Pages 13822 Exploring the Effects of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mononuclear Cells on Angiogenesis In Vitro. Peeters JAHM, Peters HAB, Videler AJ, Hamming JF, Schepers A, Quax PHA
Cell therapies involving the administration of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BM-MNCs) for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) have shown promise; however, their overall effectiveness lacks evidence, and the exact mechanism of action remains unclear. In this study, we examined the angiogenic effects of well-controlled human bone marrow cell isolates on endothelial cells. The responses of endothelial cell proliferation, migration, tube formation, and aortic ring sprouti... Abstract
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, Volume 10, 5 1 2023, Pages 1279076 Editorial: Strategies to improve management of ventricular tachycardias. Maass AH, Blaauw Y, Mulder BA, Zeppenfeld K
Clinical laboratory, Volume 69, Issue 9, 1 1 2023 Diagnostic Accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Testing in a Pediatric Population: Children are Not Little Adults. Karadag-Oncel E, Tasar S, Sahin A, Togay A, Elvan-Tuz A, Cay H, Sen-Tas S, Yilmaz N, Kara-Aksay A, Yilmaz D
Background: Information on the use of antigen-based SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen tests (RAT) in children is limited. RATs have been used more frequently, because they are easily applicable, inexpensive, and can be easily performed at home without the need for special equipment. This study was designed to assign the diagnostic test accuracy of the SARS-CoV-2 RAT in daily clinical practice in children. Methods: One thousand forty-two pediatric patients (aged 1 month - 18 years) who presented to the pe... Abstract
European journal of pediatrics, Volume 182, Issue 9, 1 1 2023, Pages 4285-4287 Correction to: Long-term neurocognitive functioning of children treated with propranolol or atenolol for infantile hemangioma. Hermans MM, Rietman AB, Schappin R, de Laat PCJ, Mendels EJ, Breur JMPJ, Langeveld HR, de Wildt SN, Breugem CC, de Graaf M, Raphael MF, Pasmans SGMA
Cited 1 times since 2023 (0.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Volume 64, Issue 3, 1 1 2023, Pages ezad307 The impact of annuloplasty ring or band implantation on post-repair mitral valve haemodynamic performance. Tomšič A, Sandoval E, Meucci MC, Nabeta T, Castella M, Muro A, Klautz RJM, Ajmone Marsan N, Pereda D, Palmen M
Objectives: The clinical importance of optimal post-repair mitral valve diastolic performance is increasingly being recognized. The haemodynamic effect of a partial annuloplasty band implantation, in comparison to a full ring, remains insufficiently explored. Methods: Patients undergoing mitral valve repair for pure degenerative disease between 2011 and 2019 at 2 experienced heart valve centres were eligible for inclusion. Exclusion criteria were concomitant procedures other than tricuspid valve... Abstract
European heart journal. Imaging methods and practice, Volume 1, Issue 2, 1 1 2023, Pages qyad037 Epicardial adipose tissue in patients with systemic sclerosis. Wang X, Butcher SC, Myagmardorj R, Liem SIE, Delgado V, Bax JJ, De Vries-Bouwstra JK, Marsan NA
Aims: Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) has emerged as a mediator between systemic inflammatory disorders and cardiovascular disease, and may therefore play a role in the pathophysiology of cardiac involvement in systemic sclerosis (SSc). The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between EAT and left ventricular (LV) function, and to determine the prognostic value of EAT in patients with SSc. Methods and results: Consecutive patients with SSc who underwent non-contrast thorax computed to... Abstract
The British journal of surgery, Volume 110, Issue 10, 1 1 2023, Pages 1271-1275 Surgical team dynamics in a reflective team meeting to improve quality of care: qualitative analysis of a shared mental model. Verhagen MJ, de Vos MS, van Schaik J, van der Vorst JR, Schepers A, Marang-van de Mheen PJ, Hamming JF