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Below you can find a list of our published research.
6480 results
Cited 1 times since 2020 (0.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Annals of vascular surgery, Volume 69, 15 3 2020, Pages 332-344 Patients with a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Are Better Informed in Hospitals with an "EVAR-preferred" Strategy: An Instrumental Variable Analysis of the Dutch Surgical Aneurysm Audit. Karthaus EG, Lijftogt N, Vahl A, van der Willik EM, Amodio S, van Zwet EW, Hamming JF, Dutch Society for Vascular Surgery, the Steering Committee of the Dutch Surgical Aneurysm Audit and the Dutch Institute for Clinical Auditing
Background: While several observational studies suggested a lower postoperative mortality after minimal invasive endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in patients with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (RAAA) compared to conventional open surgical repair (OSR), landmark randomized controlled trials have not been able to prove the superiority of EVAR over OSR. Randomized controlled trials contain a selected, homogeneous population, influencing external validity. Observational studies are biased... Abstract
Cited 38 times since 2020 (8 per year) source: EuropePMC
Circulation, Volume 141, Issue 24, 15 3 2020, Pages 2004-2025 Resource and Infrastructure-Appropriate Management of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Chandrashekhar Y, Alexander T, Mullasari A, Kumbhani DJ, Alam S, Alexanderson E, Bachani D, Wilhelmus Badenhorst JC, Baliga R, Bax JJ, Bhatt DL, Bossone E, Botelho R, Chakraborthy RN, Chazal RA, Dhaliwal RS, Gamra H, Harikrishnan SP, Jeilan M, Kettles DI, Mehta S, Mohanan PP, Kurt Naber C, Naik N, Ntsekhe M, Otieno HA, Pais P, Piñeiro DJ, Prabhakaran D, Reddy KS, Redha M, Roy A, Sharma M, Shor R, Adriaan Snyders F, Weii Chieh Tan J, Valentine CM, Wilson BH, Yusuf S, Narula J
The 143 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) of the world constitute 80% of the world's population or roughly 5.86 billion people with much variation in geography, culture, literacy, financial resources, access to health care, insurance penetration, and healthcare regulation. Unfortunately, their burden of cardiovascular disease in general and acute ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in particular is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Compounding the problem, outcomes... Abstract
Cited 18 times since 2020 (3.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
The Journal of physiology, Volume 598, Issue 15, 14 2 2020, Pages 3129-3153 CaMKII activity contributes to homeometric autoregulation of the heart: A novel mechanism for the Anrep effect. Reil JC, Reil GH, Kovács Á, Sequeira V, Waddingham MT, Lodi M, Herwig M, Ghaderi S, Kreusser MM, Papp Z, Voigt N, Dobrev D, Meyhöfer S, Langer HF, Maier LS, Linz D, Mügge A, Hohl M, Steendijk P, Hamdani N
Key points: The Anrep effect represents the alteration of left ventricular (LV) contractility to acutely enhanced afterload in a few seconds, thereby preserving stroke volume (SV) at constant preload. As a result of the missing preload stretch in our model, the Anrep effect differs from the slow force response and has a different mechanism. The Anrep effect demonstrated two different phases. First, the sudden increased afterload was momentary equilibrated by the enhanced LV contractility as a re... Abstract
Cited 2 times since 2020 (0.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 84, Issue 4, 12 2 2020, Pages 1111-1113 Collodion babies: A 15-year retrospective multicenter study in The Netherlands-Evaluation of severity scores to predict the underlying disease. Cuperus E, Bolling MC, de Graaf M, van den Akker PC, van Gijn ME, Simon MEH, Sigurdsson V, Pasmans SGMA
Nature communications, Volume 11, Issue 1, 11 2 2020, Pages 3058 Author Correction: Involvement of G-quadruplex regions in mammalian replication origin activity. Prorok P, Artufel M, Aze A, Coulombe P, Peiffer I, Lacroix L, Guédin A, Mergny JL, Damaschke J, Schepers A, Cayrou C, Teulade-Fichou MP, Ballester B, Méchali M
An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper. Abstract
Cited 18 times since 2020 (3.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Volume 22, Issue 1, 11 2 2020, Pages 44 Left ventricular functional recovery of infarcted and remote myocardium after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (METOCARD-CNIC randomized clinical trial substudy). Podlesnikar T, Pizarro G, Fernández-Jiménez R, Montero-Cabezas JM, Greif N, Sánchez-González J, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Marsan NA, Fras Z, Bax JJ, Fuster V, Ibáñez B, Delgado V
Background: We aimed to evaluate the effect of early intravenous metoprolol treatment, microvascular obstruction (MVO), intramyocardial hemorrhage (IMH) and adverse left ventricular (LV) remodeling on the evolution of infarct and remote zone circumferential strain after acute anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) with feature-tracking cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). Methods: A total of 191 patients with acute anterior STEMI enrolled in the METOCARD-CNIC randomized... Abstract
Cited 52 times since 2020 (11 per year) source: EuropePMC
Stroke, Volume 51, Issue 7, 10 2 2020, Pages 2111-2121 Common Genetic Variation Indicates Separate Causes for Periventricular and Deep White Matter Hyperintensities. Armstrong NJ, Mather KA, Sargurupremraj M, Knol MJ, Malik R, Satizabal CL, Yanek LR, Wen W, Gudnason VG, Dueker ND, Elliott LT, Hofer E, Bis J, Jahanshad N, Li S, Logue MA, Luciano M, Scholz M, Smith AV, Trompet S, Vojinovic D, Xia R, Alfaro-Almagro F, Ames D, Amin N, Amouyel P, Beiser AS, Brodaty H, Deary IJ, Fennema-Notestine C, Gampawar PG, Gottesman R, Griffanti L, Jack CR, Jenkinson M, Jiang J, Kral BG, Kwok JB, Lampe L, C M Liewald D, Maillard P, Marchini J, Bastin ME, Mazoyer B, Pirpamer L, Rafael Romero J, Roshchupkin GV, Schofield PR, Schroeter ML, Stott DJ, Thalamuthu A, Trollor J, Tzourio C, van der Grond J, Vernooij MW, Witte VA, Wright MJ, Yang Q, Morris Z, Siggurdsson S, Psaty B, Villringer A, Schmidt H, Haberg AK, van Duijn CM, Jukema JW, Dichgans M, Sacco RL, Wright CB, Kremen WS, Becker LC, Thompson PM, Mosley TH, Wardlaw JM, Ikram MA, Adams HHH, Seshadri S, Sachdev PS, Smith SM, Launer L, Longstreth W, DeCarli C, Schmidt R, Fornage M, Debette S, Nyquist PA
Background and purpose: Periventricular white matter hyperintensities (WMH; PVWMH) and deep WMH (DWMH) are regional classifications of WMH and reflect proposed differences in cause. In the first study, to date, we undertook genome-wide association analyses of DWMH and PVWMH to show that these phenotypes have different genetic underpinnings. Methods: Participants were aged 45 years and older, free of stroke and dementia. We conducted genome-wide association analyses of PVWMH and DWMH in 26,654 pa... Abstract
Cited 12 times since 2020 (2.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
JACC. Heart failure, Volume 8, Issue 8, 10 2 2020, Pages 627-636 Prognostic Implications of Staging Right Heart Failure in Patients With Significant Secondary Tricuspid Regurgitation. Dietz MF, Prihadi EA, van der Bijl P, Ajmone Marsan N, Delgado V, Bax JJ
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of staging right heart failure (RHF) in patients with significant secondary tricuspid regurgitation (TR). Background: Right ventricular dysfunction (RVD), defined as tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion Abstract
Cited 5 times since 2020 (1.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Medical science educator, Volume 30, Issue 3, 9 2 2020, Pages 1211-1219 Making a Lecture Stick: the Effect of Spaced Instruction on Knowledge Retention in Medical Education. Timmer MCJ, Steendijk P, Arend SM, Versteeg M
Introduction: Poor knowledge retention is a persistent problem among medical students. This challenging issue may be addressed by optimizing frequently used instructional designs, such as lectures. Guided by neuroscientific literature, we designed a spaced learning lecture in which the educator repeats the to-be-learned information using short temporal intervals. We investigated if this modified instructional design could enhance students' retention. Materials and methods: Second-year medic... Abstract
Cited 8 times since 2020 (1.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
eLife, Volume 9, 8 2 2020, Pages e55921 Self-restoration of cardiac excitation rhythm by anti-arrhythmic ion channel gating. Majumder R, De Coster T, Kudryashova N, Verkerk AO, Kazbanov IV, Ördög B, Harlaar N, Wilders R, de Vries AA, Ypey DL, Panfilov AV, Pijnappels DA
Homeostatic regulation protects organisms against hazardous physiological changes. However, such regulation is limited in certain organs and associated biological processes. For example, the heart fails to self-restore its normal electrical activity once disturbed, as with sustained arrhythmias. Here we present proof-of-concept of a biological self-restoring system that allows automatic detection and correction of such abnormal excitation rhythms. For the heart, its realization involves the inte... Abstract
Cited 4 times since 2020 (0.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
The Annals of thoracic surgery, Volume 110, Issue 6, 7 1 2020, Pages 2062-2069 Mechanical Mitral Valve Replacement: A Multicenter Study of Outcomes With Use of 15- to 17-mm Prostheses. IJsselhof RJ, Slieker MG, Gauvreau K, Muter A, Marx GR, Hazekamp MG, Accord R, van Wetten H, van Leeuwen W, Haas F, Schoof PH, Nathan M
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate early and mid-term outcomes (mortality and prosthetic valve reintervention) after mitral valve replacement with 15- to 17-mm mechanical prostheses. Methods: A multicenter, retrospective cohort study was performed among patients who underwent mitral valve replacement with a 15- to 17-mm mechanical prosthesis at 6 congenital cardiac centers: 5 in The Netherlands and 1 in the United States. Baseline, operative, and follow-up data were evaluated. Res... Abstract
Cited 6 times since 2020 (1.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Kidney international reports, Volume 5, Issue 8, 5 1 2020, Pages 1327-1332 A Randomized Trial of Liposomal Prednisolone (LIPMAT) to Enhance Radiocephalic Fistula Maturation: A Pilot Study. Voorzaat BM, van der Bogt KEA, Bezhaeva T, van Schaik J, Eefting D, van der Putten K, van Nieuwenhuizen RC, Groeneveld JO, Hoogeveen EK, van der Meer IM, Statius van Eps RG, Vogt L, Huisman L, Gabreëls BATF, Boom H, Verburgh CA, Boon D, Metselaar JM, Weijmer MC, Rotmans JI
Journal of electrocardiology, Volume 61, 5 1 2020, Pages 141-146 Lack of diagnostic utility of the ECG-derived ventricular gradient in patients with suspected acute pulmonary embolism. Meijer FMM, Hendriks SV, Huisman MV, van der Hulle T, Swenne CA, Kies P, Jongbloed MRM, Egorova AD, Vliegen HW, Klok FA
Introduction: The YEARS algorithm was successfully developed to reduce the number of computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) investigations in the diagnostic management of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE), although half of patients still needed to be referred for CTPA. We hypothesized that ECG derived ventricular gradient optimized for right ventricular pressure overload (VG-RVPO), an easy to use tool for detecting PE-induced pulmonary hypertension (PH), may further impro... Abstract
Cited 1 times since 2020 (0.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Circulation reports, Volume 2, Issue 7, 5 1 2020, Pages 364-371 Effect of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography-Derived Fractional Flow Reserve on Physicians' Clinical Behavior - Differences Between Sites With and Without Appropriate Use Criteria as Designated by the Japanese Reimbursement System. Matsuo H, Kawasaki T, Amano T, Kawase Y, Sobue Y, Kondo T, Morino Y, Yoda S, Sakamoto T, Ito H, Shite J, Otake H, Tanaka N, Terashima M, Kadota K, Patel MR, Nieman K, Rogers C, Norgaard BL, Bax JJ, Chinnaiyan KM, Berman DS, Fairbairn TA, Hurwitz Koweek LM, Leipsic J, Akasaka T
Background: Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA)-derived fractional flow reserve (FFRCT) is an established tool for identifying lesion-specific ischemia that is now approved for use by the Japanese insurance system. However, current clinical reimbursement is strictly limited to institutions with designated appropriate use criteria (AUC). This study assessed differences in physicians' behavior (e.g., use and interpretation of FFRCT, final management) according to Japanese AUC and... Abstract
Cited 2 times since 2020 (0.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Annals of vascular surgery, Volume 68, 2 1 2020, Pages 159-165 Identifying Factors Influencing Decision Making in Patients Diagnosed with Carotid Body Tumors: An Exploratory Study. Alimohamad H, Yilmaz D, Hamming JF, Schepers A
Background: Carotid body tumors (CBTs) are rare highly vascularized and slow enlarging tumors arising from the paraganglionic tissue at the carotid bifurcation. Main treatment options for CBTs are surgical resection or "wait and scan" strategy. The choice for either strategy may be equally good medically in many patients. A structured "shared decision making" (SDM) might be helpful for guiding patients. Objectives: To develop an SDM strategy for the surgical treatment, we aim... Abstract
Cited 41 times since 2020 (8.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
JAMA cardiology, Volume 5, Issue 6, 1 1 2020, Pages 709-713 An Exploratory Analysis of Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibition and Aortic Stenosis in the FOURIER Trial. Bergmark BA, O'Donoghue ML, Murphy SA, Kuder JF, Ezhov MV, Ceška R, Gouni-Berthold I, Jensen HK, Tokgozoglu SL, Mach F, Huber K, Gaciong Z, Lewis BS, Schiele F, Jukema JW, Pedersen TR, Giugliano RP, Sabatine MS
Importance: Despite recent advances in treatment of severe aortic valve stenosis (AS), AS remains a life-threatening condition with no proven disease-modifying therapy. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and lipoprotein(a) (Lp[a]) have been implicated in the pathobiology of AS. The proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor evolocumab reduces circulating LDL-C concentrations by 50% to 60% and Lp(a) by 20% to 30%. Objective: To determine whether evolocumab reduces the risk o... Abstract
Cited 16 times since 2020 (3.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), Volume 36, Issue 12, 1 1 2020, Pages 3874-3876 gplas: a comprehensive tool for plasmid analysis using short-read graphs. Arredondo-Alonso S, Bootsma M, Hein Y, Rogers MRC, Corander J, Willems RJL, Schürch AC
Summary: Plasmids can horizontally transmit genetic traits, enabling rapid bacterial adaptation to new environments and hosts. Short-read whole-genome sequencing data are often applied to large-scale bacterial comparative genomics projects but the reconstruction of plasmids from these data is facing severe limitations, such as the inability to distinguish plasmids from each other in a bacterial genome. We developed gplas, a new approach to reliably separate plasmid contigs into discrete componen... Abstract
Cited 29 times since 2020 (6.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
European heart journal, Volume 41, Issue 24, 1 1 2020, Pages 2248-2258 Effect of alirocumab on cardiovascular outcomes after acute coronary syndromes according to age: an ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial analysis. Sinnaeve PR, Schwartz GG, Wojdyla DM, Alings M, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Chiang CE, Correa Flores RM, Diaz R, Dorobantu M, Goodman SG, Jukema JW, Kim YU, Pordy R, Roe MT, Sy RG, Szarek M, White HD, Zeiher AM, Steg PG, ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators
Aims: Lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) reduces cardiovascular risk irrespective of age, but the evidence is less strong for older patients. Methods and results: This prespecified analysis from ODYSSEY OUTCOMES compared the effect of alirocumab vs. placebo in 18 924 patients with recent acute coronary syndrome (ACS) according to age. We examined the effect of assigned treatment on occurrence of the primary study outcome, a composite of coronary heart disease death, myocardial... Abstract
Cited 2 times since 2020 (0.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, Volume 30, Issue 6, 1 1 2020, Pages 846-853 Treatment and outcome of plastic bronchitis in single ventricle patients: a systematic review. Harteveld LM, Blom NA, Hazekamp MG, Ten Harkel ADJ
Plastic bronchitis (PB) is a life-threatening complication in single ventricle (SV) patients of which the exact pathophysiology, outcome and optimal treatment are still unclear. This study aims to systematically review the literature to give insight into the characteristics, outcome and management options of SV patients with PB. A systematic review was conducted, using the electronic database PubMed to find records published up to August 2018, describing SV patients and PB in which characteristi... Abstract
Cited 12 times since 2020 (2.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
Progress in cardiovascular diseases, Volume 63, Issue 4, 30 5 2020, Pages 434-441 Clinical presentation and outcomes of adults with bicuspid aortic valves: 2020 update. Yang LT, Tribouilloy C, Masri A, Bax JJ, Delgado V, Girdauskas E, Evangelista A, Sundt TM, Svensson LG, Enriquez-Sarano M, Michelena HI
The congenital bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a heterogeneous condition that is better understood considering 3 types of valvulo-aortopathy presentations: A typical-presentation valvulo-aortopathy, a complex-presentation valvulo-aortopathy and an uncomplicated/undiagnosed-presentation. The burden of BAV-related complications has been elucidated in patients with the typical-presentation valvulo-aortopathy and is discussed in this review. These patients enjoy an overall normal expected long-term s... Abstract