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Below you can find a list of our published research.
7155 results
Cited 12 times since 2020 (2.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
Progress in cardiovascular diseases, Volume 63, Issue 4, 30 5 2020, Pages 434-441 Clinical presentation and outcomes of adults with bicuspid aortic valves: 2020 update. Yang LT, Tribouilloy C, Masri A, Bax JJ, Delgado V, Girdauskas E, Evangelista A, Sundt TM, Svensson LG, Enriquez-Sarano M, Michelena HI
The congenital bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a heterogeneous condition that is better understood considering 3 types of valvulo-aortopathy presentations: A typical-presentation valvulo-aortopathy, a complex-presentation valvulo-aortopathy and an uncomplicated/undiagnosed-presentation. The burden of BAV-related complications has been elucidated in patients with the typical-presentation valvulo-aortopathy and is discussed in this review. These patients enjoy an overall normal expected long-term s... Abstract
Cited 4 times since 2020 (0.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
Forensic science international, Volume 313, 29 5 2020, Pages 110344 Chemical attribution of the homemade explosive ETN - Part II: Isotope ratio mass spectrometry analysis of ETN and its precursors. Bezemer K, McLennan L, Hessels R, Schoorl J, van den Elshout J, van der Heijden A, Hulsbergen A, Koeberg M, Busby T, Yevdokimov A, de Rijke E, Schoenmakers P, Smith J, Oxley J, van Asten A
In this follow-up study the collaboration between two research groups from the USA and the Netherlands was continued to expand the framework of chemical attribution for the homemade explosive erythritol tetranitrate (ETN). Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) analysis was performed to predict possible links between ETN samples and its precursors. Carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios were determined for a wide variety of precursor sources and for ETN samples that were prepared w... Abstract
Cardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions, Volume 21, Issue 12, 29 5 2020, Pages 1493-1499 Association Between Flow Impairment in Dominant Coronary Atrial Branches and Atrial Arrhythmias in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Montero Cabezas JM, Abou R, Goedemans L, Ajmone Marsan N, Bax JJ, Delgado V
Objectives: The impact of atrial ischemia in the occurrence of atrial arrhythmias may vary based on the amount of jeopardized myocardium. We sought to determine the association between coronary flow impairment in dominant coronary atrial branches (CAB) and atrial arrhythmias at 1-year follow-up in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Methods: Patients with STEMI involving the right or circumflex coronary artery were included. Dominant CAB was defined as the most developed... Abstract
Cited 3 times since 2020 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of aging and health, Volume 32, Issue 9, 27 4 2020, Pages 1267-1274 Association of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Cognitive Function: Findings From the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk. Grasset L, Smit RAJ, Caunca MR, Elfassy T, Odden MC, van der Grond J, van Buchem MA, Stott DJ, Sattar N, Trompet S, Jukema JW, Zeki Al Hazzouri A
Objective: We aimed to examine whether variability in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) over time was associated with cognitive function. Method: We conducted a post hoc analysis of the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER) trial. Our sample included 4,428 participants with at least two repeated HDL-c measures between Months 3 and 24 postbaseline and with cognitive assessments at Month 30. HDL-c variability was defined as the intraindividual standard deviat... Abstract
Cited 4 times since 2020 (0.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie, Volume 30, Issue 8, 26 4 2020, Pages 1357-1362 Long-term follow-up of distal radius fractures, an evaluation of the current guideline: the relation between malunion, osteoarthritis and functional outcome. Visser D, Mathijssen NMC, van Outeren MV, Colaris JW, de Vries MR, Kraan GA
Background: Last decades there is an increased tendency of performing surgery on displaced distal radius fractures. However, it is unclear whether this affects the development of osteoarthritis. This study aims to determine the relation between anatomical position, radiological osteoarthritis and functional outcome of the elderly wrist, 10-15 years after a distal radius fracture. Patients and methods: 173 patients between the age of 50 and 70 at time of trauma were included in this retrospective... Abstract
Cited 21 times since 2020 (4.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Critical care (London, England), Volume 24, Issue 1, 26 4 2020, Pages 263 COVID-19 patients exhibit less pronounced immune suppression compared with bacterial septic shock patients. Kox M, Frenzel T, Schouten J, van de Veerdonk FL, Koenen HJPM, Pickkers P, , on behalf of the RCI-COVID-19 study group
Cited 261 times since 2020 (54.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
Cell stem cell, Volume 26, Issue 6, 26 4 2020, Pages 862-879.e11 Human-iPSC-Derived Cardiac Stromal Cells Enhance Maturation in 3D Cardiac Microtissues and Reveal Non-cardiomyocyte Contributions to Heart Disease. Giacomelli E, Meraviglia V, Campostrini G, Cochrane A, Cao X, van Helden RWJ, Krotenberg Garcia A, Mircea M, Kostidis S, Davis RP, van Meer BJ, Jost CR, Koster AJ, Mei H, Míguez DG, Mulder AA, Ledesma-Terrón M, Pompilio G, Sala L, Salvatori DCF, Slieker RC, Sommariva E, de Vries AAF, Giera M, Semrau S, Tertoolen LGJ, Orlova VV, Bellin M, Mummery CL
Cardiomyocytes (CMs) from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are functionally immature, but this is improved by incorporation into engineered tissues or forced contraction. Here, we showed that tri-cellular combinations of hiPSC-derived CMs, cardiac fibroblasts (CFs), and cardiac endothelial cells also enhance maturation in easily constructed, scaffold-free, three-dimensional microtissues (MTs). hiPSC-CMs in MTs with CFs showed improved sarcomeric structures with T-tubules, enhanced c... Abstract
International journal of molecular sciences, Volume 21, Issue 10, 25 4 2020, Pages E3707 From Increased Fluid Shear Stress to Natural Bypass Growth. Deindl E, Quax PHA
This Special Issue enqueues a series of publications dealing with arteriogenesis, which is the growth of a natural bypass from pre-existing arteriolar connections, as defined by Wolfgang Schaper, Werner Risau and Ramon Munoz-Chapuli in the late nineties of the last century [...]. Abstract
Cited 6 times since 2020 (1.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging, Volume 36, Issue 9, 25 4 2020, Pages 1771-1780 Left ventricular global longitudinal strain in bicupsid aortic valve patients: head-to-head comparison between computed tomography, 4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance and speckle-tracking echocardiography. van den Hoven AT, Yilmazer S, Chelu RG, van Grootel RWJ, Minderhoud SCS, Bons LR, van Berendoncks AM, Duijnhouwer AL, Siebelink HJ, van den Bosch AE, Budde RPJ, Roos-Hesselink JW, Hirsch A
Left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LVGLS) analysis is a sensitive measurement of myocardial deformation most often done using speckle-tracking transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). We propose a novel approach to measure LVGLS using feature-tracking software on the magnitude dataset of 4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) and compare it to dynamic computed tomography (CT) and speckle tracking TTE derived measurements. In this prospective cohort study 59 consecutive adult pati... Abstract
Cited 30 times since 2020 (6.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical, Volume 227, 16 3 2020, Pages 102674 Human adult cardiac autonomic innervation: Controversies in anatomical knowledge and relevance for cardiac neuromodulation. Wink J, van Delft R, Notenboom RGE, Wouters PF, DeRuiter MC, Plevier JWM, Jongbloed MRM
Background: Cardiac sympathetic blockade is a therapeutic approach for arrhythmias and heart failure and may be a beneficial effect of high thoracic epidural anesthesia. These treatments require detailed knowledge of the spatial location and distribution of cardiac autonomic nerves, however, there are controversies on this subject in humans. Objective: To provide a systematic overview of current knowledge on human anatomy of the cardiac autonomic nervous system. Results: In contrast to the often... Abstract
Cited 7 times since 2020 (1.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
PloS one, Volume 15, Issue 5, 15 3 2020, Pages e0228478 Pulmonary ductal coarctation and left pulmonary artery interruption; pathology and role of neural crest and second heart field during development. Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Peterson JC, Wisse LJ, Roest AAW, Poelmann RE, Bökenkamp R, Elzenga NJ, Hazekamp M, Bartelings MM, Jongbloed MRM, DeRuiter MC
Objectives: In congenital heart malformations with pulmonary stenosis to atresia an abnormal lateral ductus arteriosus to left pulmonary artery connection can lead to a localised narrowing (pulmonary ductal coarctation) or even interruption We investigated embryonic remodelling and pathogenesis of this area. Material and methods: Normal development was studied in WntCre reporter mice (E10.0-12.5) for neural crest cells and Nkx2.5 immunostaining for second heart field cells. Data were compared to... Abstract
Journal of diabetes and its complications, Volume 34, Issue 9, 15 3 2020, Pages 107623 Skin disorders indicating peripheral arterial occlusive disease and chronic venous insufficiency in organ transplant recipients. Buntinx M, Lavrijsen APM, de Fijter JW, Reinders MEJ, Schepers A, Bouwes Bavinck JN
Background: Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) in organ transplant recipients (OTR) can lead to harmful outcomes. We made an inventory of cutaneous manifestations of PAOD and CVI in OTR in relation with diabetes and other potential risk factors. Methods: A prospective study in a single center was performed. OTR (n = 112) were included at the outpatient clinic to investigate clinical signs of PAOD and CVI. The most commonly associated risk factors... Abstract
Cited 6 times since 2020 (1.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
International journal of molecular sciences, Volume 21, Issue 10, 15 3 2020, Pages E3508 Myostatin Inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Local 14q32 microRNA Expression, But Not Systemic Inflammation or Restenosis. Goossens EAC, de Vries MR, Jukema JW, Quax PHA, Nossent AY
Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle cell growth and proliferation. Furthermore, myostatin directly affects the expression of 14q32 microRNAs by binding the 14q32 locus. Direct inhibition of 14q32 microRNA miR-495-3p decreased postinterventional restenosis via inhibition of both vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and local inflammation. Here, we aimed to investigate the effects of myostatin in a mouse model for postinterventional restenosis. In VSMCs in vitro, myostatin led... Abstract
Cited 33 times since 2020 (6.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
Heart (British Cardiac Society), Volume 106, Issue 18, 13 2 2020, Pages 1438-1444 Global longitudinal strain: clinical use and prognostic implications in contemporary practice. Abou R, van der Bijl P, Bax JJ, Delgado V
Cited 3 times since 2020 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
The American journal of cardiology, Volume 128, 13 2 2020, Pages 84-91 Characteristics and Prognosis of Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation and Significant Valvular Heart Disease Referred for Electrical Cardioversion. Vo NM, Leung M, van Rosendael PJ, Goedemans L, van Wijngaarden SE, Prihadi EA, van der Bijl P, Ajmone Marsan N, Delgado V, Bax JJ
Valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) is defined as AF in the presence of mitral stenosis or mechanical valve prosthesis. However, there are patients with AF who have significant native valvular heart disease (VHD) others than mitral stenosis that are classified as nonvalvular AF. The characteristics and prognostic implications of these entities have not been extensively studied. Of 1,885 AF patients referred for electrical cardioversion (64 ± 13years, 71% male), 171 (9.1%) had valvular AF (any grad... Abstract
Cited 6 times since 2020 (1.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
JACC. Clinical electrophysiology, Volume 6, Issue 9, 12 2 2020, Pages 1073-1085 RV Tissue Heterogeneity on CT: A Novel Tool to Identify the VT Substrate in ARVC. Venlet J, Tao Q, de Graaf MA, Glashan CA, de Riva Silva M, van der Geest RJ, Scholte AJ, Piers SRD, Zeppenfeld K
Objectives: This study sought to evaluate whether right ventricular (RV) tissue heterogeneity on computed tomography (CT): 1) is associated with conduction delay in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC); and 2) distinguishes patients with ARVC from those with exercise-induced arrhythmogenic remodeling (EIAR) and control individuals. Background: ARVC is characterized by fibrofatty replacement, related to conduction delay and ventricular tachycardias. Distinguishing ARVC from acqu... Abstract
Cited 1 times since 2020 (0.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
SAGE open medical case reports, Volume 8, 8 2 2020, Pages 2050313X20918989 A novel approach to resolve severe mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema occurring in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia using vacuum-assisted closure therapy. Bouwmeester NH, Kieft H, Shahin GM, Nierich AP
A 50-year-old human immunodeficiency virus positive patient who was diagnosed with Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia developed severe subcutaneous and mediastinal emphysema, which was progressive despite low pressure mechanical ventilation. Infraclavicular skin incisions and vacuum-assisted closure therapy were used to resolve the emphysema. The subcutaneous emphysema decreased significantly, and after 1 week the vacuum-assisted closure therapy was ended successfully. This technique has previousl... Abstract
Cited 12 times since 2020 (2.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
PloS one, Volume 15, Issue 5, 6 1 2020, Pages e0232573 Automatic segmentation of multiple cardiovascular structures from cardiac computed tomography angiography images using deep learning. Baskaran L, Al'Aref SJ, Maliakal G, Lee BC, Xu Z, Choi JW, Lee SE, Sung JM, Lin FY, Dunham S, Mosadegh B, Kim YJ, Gottlieb I, Lee BK, Chun EJ, Cademartiri F, Maffei E, Marques H, Shin S, Choi JH, Chinnaiyan K, Hadamitzky M, Conte E, Andreini D, Pontone G, Budoff MJ, Leipsic JA, Raff GL, Virmani R, Samady H, Stone PH, Berman DS, Narula J, Bax JJ, Chang HJ, Min JK, Shaw LJ
Objectives: To develop, demonstrate and evaluate an automated deep learning method for multiple cardiovascular structure segmentation. Background: Segmentation of cardiovascular images is resource-intensive. We design an automated deep learning method for the segmentation of multiple structures from Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) images. Methods: Images from a multicenter registry of patients that underwent clinically-indicated CCTA were used. The proximal ascending and descendi... Abstract
Cited 13 times since 2020 (2.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, Volume 52, Issue 4, 6 1 2020, Pages 971-977 How to Measure the Aorta Using MRI: A Practical Guide. van Hout MJ, Scholte AJ, Juffermans JF, Westenberg JJ, Zhong L, Zhou X, Schalla SM, Hope MD, Bremerich J, Kramer CM, Dewey M, Ordovas KG, Bluemke DA, Lamb HJ
Cited 15 times since 2020 (3.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Allergy, Volume 75, Issue 9, 5 1 2020, Pages 2376-2379 Two-year drug survival of dupilumab in a large cohort of difficult-to-treat adult atopic dermatitis patients compared to cyclosporine A and methotrexate: Results from the BioDay registry. Spekhorst LS, Ariëns LFM, van der Schaft J, Bakker DS, Kamsteeg M, Oosting AJ, de Ridder I, Sloeserwij A, Romeijn GLE, de Graaf M, Haeck I, Thijs JL, Schuttelaar MLA, de Bruin-Weller MS