Below you can find a list of our published research.
Below you can find a list of our published research.
6143 results
Cited 18 times since 2010 (1.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology, Volume 12, Issue 2, 1 1 2010, Pages 275-276 Attitude towards redundant leads and the practice of lead extractions: a European survey. van Erven L, Morgan JM, Scientific Initiatives Committee (SIC)
This survey has compared attitudes towards (endocardial) lead extraction, among European electrophysiology centres, with special attention paid to 'redundant leads'. The main findings of this survey are: (i) most of the centres performing lead extractions do so in low volume even though the number of implants may be high. (ii) Approaches to the practice of lead extraction are based largely on clinical experience and individual sentiment but not on a rigorous evidence based. (iii) Tract... Abstract
Cited 29 times since 2010 (1.9 per year) source: EuropePMC
European heart journal, Volume 31, Issue 5, 1 1 2010, Pages 542-551 Imaging and atrial fibrillation: the role of multimodality imaging in patient evaluation and management of atrial fibrillation. Tops LF, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, and is associated with an increased risk of cardiac morbidity and mortality. In this review, the role of multimodality imaging in the evaluation and treatment of AF is discussed in two main parts. First, an overview of the initial assessment of an AF patient is provided, including the role of different imaging techniques. Conditions that are associated with AF (coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, and left... Abstract
Cited 94 times since 2010 (6.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, Volume 14, Issue 6A, 30 5 2010, Pages 1225-1240 Epigenetics in atherosclerosis and inflammation. Wierda RJ, Geutskens SB, Jukema JW, Quax PH, van den Elsen PJ
Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease with a severe burden on western society. Recent insights into the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis underscore the importance of chronic inflammation in both the initiation and progression of vascular remodelling. Expression of immunoregulatory molecules by vascular wall components within the atherosclerotic lesions is accordingly thought to contribute to the ongoing inflammatory process. Besides gene regulatory proteins (transcription factors), epigenet... Abstract
Cited 108 times since 2010 (7.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Circulation, Volume 121, Issue 5, 25 4 2010, Pages 626-634 Analysis of ventricular activation using surface electrocardiography to predict left ventricular reverse volumetric remodeling during cardiac resynchronization therapy. Sweeney MO, van Bommel RJ, Schalij MJ, Borleffs CJ, Hellkamp AS, Bax JJ
Background: Cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure with left bundle branch block reduces left ventricular (LV) conduction delay, contraction asynchrony, and LV end-systolic volume ("reverse remodeling"). Up to one third of patients do not improve, and the electric requirements for reverse remodeling are unclear. We hypothesized that reverse remodeling is predicted by the left bundle branch block ventricular activation sequence, the paced activation sequence, and interactio... Abstract
Cited 7 times since 2010 (0.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
European journal of heart failure, Volume 12, Issue 3, 22 4 2010, Pages 288-293 Prevalence and pharmacological treatment of left-ventricular dysfunction in patients undergoing vascular surgery. Flu WJ, van Kuijk JP, Galal W, Kuiper R, van de Ven LL, Verhagen HJ, Bax JJ, Poldermans D
Aims: This study evaluated the prevalence of left-ventricular (LV) dysfunction in vascular surgery patients and pharmacological treatment, according ESC guidelines. Methods and results: Echocardiography was performed pre-operatively in 1,005 consecutive patients. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) Abstract
Cited 38 times since 2010 (2.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
Acta physiologica (Oxford, England), Volume 199, Issue 1, 22 4 2010, Pages 43-52 Cardiac function during mild hypothermia in pigs: increased inotropy at the expense of diastolic dysfunction. Post H, Schmitto JD, Steendijk P, Christoph J, Holland R, Wachter R, Schöndube FW, Pieske B
Aim: The induction of mild hypothermia (MH; 33 degrees C) has become the guideline therapy to attenuate hypoxic brain injury after out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. While MH exerts a positive inotropic effect in vitro, MH reduces cardiac output in vivo and is thus discussed critically when severe cardiac dysfunction is present in patients. We thus assessed the effect of MH on the function of the normal heart in an in vivo model closely mimicking the clinical setting. Methods: Ten an... Abstract
Cited 33 times since 2010 (2.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
The American journal of cardiology, Volume 105, Issue 5, 22 4 2010, Pages 592-597 Incremental prognostic value of novel left ventricular diastolic indexes for prediction of clinical outcome in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Shanks M, Ng AC, van de Veire NR, Antoni ML, Bertini M, Delgado V, Nucifora G, Holman ER, Choy JB, Leung DY, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ
This study examined the prognostic value of novel diastolic indexes in ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (AMI), derived from strain and strain rate analysis using 2-dimensional speckle tracking imaging. Echocardiograms were obtained within 48 hours of admission in 371 consecutive patients with first ST-elevation AMI (59.7 +/- 11.6 years old). Indexes of diastolic function including mean strain rate during isovolumic relaxation (SR(IVR)), mean early diastolic strain rate (SR(E)) and mean d... Abstract
Cited 2 times since 2010 (0.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Neurobiology of aging, Volume 32, Issue 3, 22 4 2010, Pages 549.e1-8 Variation in the CBP gene involved in epigenetic control associates with cognitive function. Trompet S, de Craen AJ, Jukema JW, Pons D, Slagboom PE, Kremer D, Bollen EL, Westendorp RG
Research into the pathologic mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases has revealed that CREB binding protein (CBP) plays an important role in cognitive dysfunction. Loss of one copy of this gene leads to a syndrome with severe cognitive dysfunction. We investigated the association between four common variants in the CBP gene and cognitive function in 5804 participants of the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER). Baseline associations between genetic variation and cog... Abstract
Cited 20 times since 2010 (1.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Volume 16, Issue 3, 18 3 2010, Pages 487-494 The value of early treatment in patients with haemophilia and inhibitors. Kavakli K, Yesilipek A, Antmen B, Aksu S, Balkan C, Yilmaz D, Kupesiz A, Sasmaz I, Lindgren P, Mesterton J
Development of inhibitors to infused factor concentrates represents a major clinical and economic challenge in the treatment of haemophilic patients. It has been shown that a delay in initiation of treatment leads to requirement of a larger number of injections to stop the bleeding but this has never been formally linked to costs associated with the bleeding. The objectives of this study were to assess the relationship between time to initiation of NovoSeven and total costs, number of doses admi... Abstract
Cited 30 times since 2010 (2 per year) source: EuropePMC
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging, Volume 26, Issue 4, 14 2 2010, Pages 473-482 Assessment of coronary artery calcium by using volumetric 320-row multi-detector computed tomography: comparison of 0.5 mm with 3.0 mm slice reconstructions. van der Bijl N, de Bruin PW, Geleijns J, Bax JJ, Schuijf JD, de Roos A, Kroft LJ
The purpose of this study was to assess the performance of 0.5 versus 3.0 mm slice reconstructions in depicting coronary calcium with special attention to patients having zero calcium scores at 3.0 mm reconstructions by using computed tomography (CT). Imaging was performed by volumetric 320-detector row CT. Scans of 100 patients with a negative and 100 patients with a positive Agatston score at 3.0 mm reconstructions were consecutively selected. Non-overlapping volume sets with 3.0 and 0.5 mm sl... Abstract
Cited 85 times since 2010 (5.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, Volume 48, Issue 6, 11 2 2010, Pages 1215-1224 Derivation and characterization of human fetal MSCs: an alternative cell source for large-scale production of cardioprotective microparticles. Lai RC, Arslan F, Tan SS, Tan B, Choo A, Lee MM, Chen TS, Teh BJ, Eng JK, Sidik H, Tanavde V, Hwang WS, Lee CN, El Oakley RM, Pasterkamp G, de Kleijn DP, Tan KH, Lim SK
The therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) transplantation are increasingly thought to be mediated by MSC secretion. We have previously demonstrated that human ESC-derived MSCs (hESC-MSCs) produce cardioprotective microparticles in pig model of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (MI/R) injury. As the safety and availability of clinical grade human ESCs remain a concern, MSCs from fetal tissue sources were evaluated as alternatives. Here we derived five MSC cultures from limb, kidney a... Abstract
Cited 9 times since 2010 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, Volume 25, Issue 6, 8 2 2010, Pages 1882-1888 The prevalence and prognostic implications of polyvascular atherosclerotic disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. van Kuijk JP, Flu WJ, Chonchol M, Welten GM, Verhagen HJ, Bax JJ, Poldermans D
Background: Atherosclerotic disease is often extended to multiple affected vascular beds (AVB). Polyvascular disease (PVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) have both separately been associated with an adverse cardiovascular outcome. We assessed the prevalence of PVD in vascular surgery patients with preoperative CKD and studied the influence on long-term cardiovascular survival. Methods: Consecutive patients (2933) were preoperatively screened for PVD, defined as 1-, 2- or 3-AVB. Preoperative gl... Abstract
Cited 115 times since 2010 (7.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Haematologica, Volume 95, Issue 6, 6 1 2010, Pages 970-975 Prospective cardiopulmonary screening program to detect chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in patients after acute pulmonary embolism. Klok FA, van Kralingen KW, van Dijk AP, Heyning FH, Vliegen HW, Huisman MV
Background: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension after pulmonary embolism is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Understanding the incidence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension after pulmonary embolism is important for evaluating the need for screening but is also a subject of debate because of different inclusion criteria among previous studies. We determined the incidence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension after acute pulmonary embolism and the uti... Abstract
Cited 13 times since 2010 (0.9 per year) source: EuropePMC
International journal of cardiology, Volume 149, Issue 1, 6 1 2010, Pages 23-29 Simultaneous estimation of NT-proBNP on top to mitral flow Doppler echocardiography as an accurate strategy to diagnose diastolic dysfunction in HFNEF. Kasner M, Gaub R, Westermann D, Kaplan H, Akpulat S, Steendijk P, Schultheiss HP, Tschöpe C
Background: Conventional echocardiography has limited accuracy in detecting diastolic dysfunction and NT-proBNP is known to be a reliable biomarker to rule out heart failure. Therefore NT-proBNP on top to conventional mitral flow Doppler might improve the diagnostic of diastolic dysfunction in patients with heart failure despite normal EF (HFNEF) without using tissue Doppler. Methods and results: Diastolic function of 46 patients with HFNEF was determined by pressure-volume loop obtained by cond... Abstract
Cited 3 times since 2010 (0.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology, Volume 12, Issue 3, 6 1 2010, Pages 378-384 Structured care for patients after acute myocardial infarction: sudden cardiac death prevention--data from the Leiden MISSION! AMI study. Atary JZ, Borleffs CJ, Liem SS, Bax JJ, van der Hoeven BL, Bootsma M, van der Wall EE, van Erven L, Schalij MJ
Aims: To assess the number of patients in daily clinical practice that meets criteria for implantation of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) when treated according to an aggressive treatment protocol. Methods and results: Patients were treated according to the MISSION! protocol. The protocol encompasses pre-hospital, in-hospital, and outpatient clinical framework for the acute and chronic treatment of AMI patients and the decision making r... Abstract
Cited 23 times since 2010 (1.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
The American journal of cardiology, Volume 105, Issue 4, 5 1 2010, Pages 480-486 Assessment with multi-slice computed tomography and gray-scale and virtual histology intravascular ultrasound of gender-specific differences in extent and composition of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in relation to age. Pundziute G, Schuijf JD, van Velzen JE, Jukema JW, van Werkhoven JM, Nucifora G, van der Kley F, Kroft LJ, de Roos A, Boersma E, Reiber JH, Schalij MJ, van der Wall EE, Bax JJ
Data evaluating gender- and age-specific differences in plaque observations on multislice computed tomography (MSCT) are scarce. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate coronary plaque patterns in men and women in relation to age using MSCT. The findings were compared to observations on grayscale intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and virtual histology (VH) IVUS. In total, 93 patients (59 men, 34 women) underwent 64-slice MSCT followed by conventional coronary angiography with IVUS. Plaq... Abstract
Cited 125 times since 2010 (8.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
European heart journal, Volume 31, Issue 15, 4 1 2010, Pages 1908-1915 Diagnostic accuracy of 320-row multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography in the non-invasive evaluation of significant coronary artery disease. de Graaf FR, Schuijf JD, van Velzen JE, Kroft LJ, de Roos A, Reiber JH, Boersma E, Schalij MJ, Spanó F, Jukema JW, van der Wall EE, Bax JJ
Aims: Multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography (CTA) has emerged as a feasible imaging modality for non-invasive assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD). Recently, 320-row CTA systems were introduced, with 16 cm anatomical coverage, allowing image acquisition of the entire heart within a single heart beat. The aim of the present study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of 320-row CTA in patients with known or suspected CAD. Methods and results: A total of 64 patients (34 mal... Abstract
Cited 1274 times since 2010 (83.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Stem cell research, Volume 4, Issue 3, 4 1 2010, Pages 214-222 Exosome secreted by MSC reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Lai RC, Arslan F, Lee MM, Sze NS, Choo A, Chen TS, Salto-Tellez M, Timmers L, Lee CN, El Oakley RM, Pasterkamp G, de Kleijn DP, Lim SK
Human ESC-derived mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-conditioned medium (CM) was previously shown to mediate cardioprotection during myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury through large complexes of 50-100 nm. Here we show that these MSCs secreted 50- to 100-nm particles. These particles could be visualized by electron microscopy and were shown to be phospholipid vesicles consisting of cholesterol, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidylcholine. They contained coimmunoprecipitating exosome-associated proteins,... Abstract
Cited 28 times since 2010 (1.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of lipid research, Volume 51, Issue 1, 1 1 2010, Pages 202-209 Cholesterol absorption and synthesis markers in individuals with and without a CHD event during pravastatin therapy: insights from the PROSPER trial. Matthan NR, Resteghini N, Robertson M, Ford I, Shepherd J, Packard C, Buckley BM, Jukema JW, Lichtenstein AH, Schaefer EJ, PROSPER Group
Cholesterol homeostasis, defined as the balance between absorption and synthesis, influences circulating cholesterol concentrations and subsequent coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. Statin therapy targets the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis and is efficacious in lowering CHD events and mortality. Nonetheless, CHD events still occur in some treated patients. To address differences in outcome during pravastatin therapy (40 mg/day), plasma markers of cholesterol synthesis (desmoste... Abstract
Cited 19 times since 2010 (1.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Disability and rehabilitation, Volume 32, Issue 2, 1 1 2010, Pages 142-147 Psychological intervention targets for people with visual impairments: the importance of cognitive coping and goal adjustment. Garnefski N, Kraaij V, De Graaf M, Karels L
Purpose: This study represents, to our knowledge, the first examination of the joint influence of cognitive coping strategies and goal-related coping on depressive symptoms in people with severe visual impairments with the aim of finding targets for intervention. Method: In total, data of 67 individuals with visual impairments were assembled by telephone interviews. Depressive symptomatology, cognitive coping strategies, and goal-related coping processes were measured. Relationships between thes... Abstract