Below you can find a list of our published research.
Below you can find a list of our published research.
6152 results
Cited 79 times since 2007 (4.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
Diabetes, Volume 56, Issue 12, 23 4 2007, Pages 2849-2853 Short-term caloric restriction induces accumulation of myocardial triglycerides and decreases left ventricular diastolic function in healthy subjects. van der Meer RW, Hammer S, Smit JW, Frölich M, Bax JJ, Diamant M, Rijzewijk LJ, de Roos A, Romijn JA, Lamb HJ
Objective: Diabetes and obesity are associated with increased plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) levels, myocardial triglyceride accumulation, and myocardial dysfunction. Because a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) also increases plasma NEFA levels, we studied the effect of a VLCD on myocardial triglyceride content and cardiac function in healthy subjects. Research design and methods: Fourteen healthy nonobese men underwent (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to determine myocardial and he... Abstract
Cited 94 times since 2007 (5.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, Volume 27, Issue 11, 23 4 2007, Pages 2310-2318 Natural killer cells and CD4+ T-cells modulate collateral artery development. van Weel V, Toes RE, Seghers L, Deckers MM, de Vries MR, Eilers PH, Sipkens J, Schepers A, Eefting D, van Hinsbergh VW, van Bockel JH, Quax PH
Objective: The immune system is thought to play a crucial role in regulating collateral circulation (arteriogenesis), a vital compensatory mechanism in patients with arterial obstructive disease. Here, we studied the role of lymphocytes in a murine model of hindlimb ischemia. Methods and results: Lymphocytes, detected with markers for NK1.1, CD3, and CD4, invaded the collateral vessel wall. Arteriogenesis was impaired in C57BL/6 mice depleted for Natural Killer (NK)-cells by anti-NK1.1 antibodie... Abstract
Cited 118 times since 2007 (6.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
The American journal of cardiology, Volume 100, Issue 8, 20 3 2007, Pages 1263-1270 Usefulness of tissue Doppler velocity and strain dyssynchrony for predicting left ventricular reverse remodeling response after cardiac resynchronization therapy. Yu CM, Gorcsan J, Bleeker GB, Zhang Q, Schalij MJ, Suffoletto MS, Fung JW, Schwartzman D, Chan YS, Tanabe M, Bax JJ
The assessment of systolic dyssynchrony by echocardiography is useful in predicting a favorable response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Tissue Doppler velocity and tissue Doppler longitudinal strain have been suggested for this purpose. This study compared parameters of systolic dyssynchrony derived from these 2 imaging modalities for their predictive values of CRT response. Two hundred fifty-six patients from 3 different centers who received CRT were followed for 6 +/- 3 months. Pa... Abstract
Cited 10 times since 2007 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Cardiology, Volume 109, Issue 2, 14 2 2007, Pages 105-109 Fertility, pregnancy and delivery in women after biventricular repair for double outlet right ventricle. Drenthen W, Pieper PG, van der Tuuk K, Roos-Hesselink JW, Hoendermis ES, Voors AA, Mulder BJ, van Dijk AP, Yap SC, Vliegen HW, Moons P, Ebels T, van Veldhuisen DJ
Objectives: To investigate outcome of pregnancy and fertility in women with double outlet right ventricle (DORV). Methods: Using 2 congenital heart disease registries, 21 female patients with DORV (aged 18-39 years) were retrospectively identified. Detailed recordings of each patient and their completed (>20 weeks gestation) pregnancies were recorded. Results: Overall, 10 patients had 19 pregnancies, including 3 spontaneous miscarriages (16%). During the 16 live birth pregnancies, primarily (... Abstract
Cited 94 times since 2007 (5.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Circulation, Volume 116, Issue 8, 7 1 2007, Pages 917-927 Preservation of left ventricular function and attenuation of remodeling after transplantation of human epicardium-derived cells into the infarcted mouse heart. Winter EM, Grauss RW, Hogers B, van Tuyn J, van der Geest R, Lie-Venema H, Steijn RV, Maas S, DeRuiter MC, deVries AA, Steendijk P, Doevendans PA, van der Laarse A, Poelmann RE, Schalij MJ, Atsma DE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC
Background: Proper development of compact myocardium, coronary vessels, and Purkinje fibers depends on the presence of epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) in embryonic myocardium. We hypothesized that adult human EPDCs might partly reactivate their embryonic program when transplanted into ischemic myocardium and improve cardiac performance after myocardial infarction. Methods and results: EPDCs were isolated from human adult atrial tissue. Myocardial infarction was created in immunodeficient mice,... Abstract
Cited 237 times since 2007 (13.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
American heart journal, Volume 154, Issue 2, 1 1 2007, Pages 221-231 Clopidogrel nonresponsiveness in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with stenting: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Snoep JD, Hovens MM, Eikenboom JC, van der Bom JG, Jukema JW, Huisman MV
Background: Despite clopidogrel therapy, patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting are at risk of recurrent coronary events. This could be partly explained by a reduced efficacy of clopidogrel to inhibit platelet aggregation, an ex vivo defined phenomenon called clopidogrel nonresponsiveness or resistance. However, both prevalence and associated cardiovascular risks remain unclear. We systematically reviewed evidence on prevalence and clinical consequences of lab... Abstract
Cited 2 times since 2007 (0.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society, Volume 49, Issue 4, 1 1 2007, Pages 516-518 Disseminated invasive vertebral aspergillosis in an immunocompetent girl with a 7 year latent period. Karapinar B, Yilmaz D, Asar G, Vardar F
Cited 43 times since 2007 (2.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
The British journal of surgery, Volume 94, Issue 8, 1 1 2007, Pages 923-924 Measuring quality of life. Hamming JF, De Vries J
Cited 6 times since 2007 (0.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology, Volume 29, Issue 8, 1 1 2007, Pages 513-518 Severe neutropenia in children: a single institutional experience. Yilmaz D, Ritchey AK
Severe neutropenia (SN) is a rare disorder in childhood. This study aimed to document the approach to diagnosis and treatment of children with SN in a single university-based children's hospital, determine the types of SN seen in a 4-year period, and determine outcomes of the subtypes of SN. Forty-five children with SN were identified between 2000 and 2004. Two patients had autoimmune, 3 congenital, 3 familial, 6 cyclic, and 31 idiopathic SN. The median age of the patients with idiopathic S... Abstract
Cited 20 times since 2007 (1.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery, Volume 34, Issue 4, 1 1 2007, Pages 432-41; discussion 442-3 Aneurysm sac pressure after EVAR: the role of endoleak. Hinnen JW, Koning OH, van Bockel JH, Hamming JF
Objective: The relation between endoleak and aneurysm sac pressure is not completely clear. This review evaluates the effect of endoleaks on aneurysm sac pressure and summarizes the present knowledge regarding aneurysm sac pressure after EVAR. Methods: A systematic search of literature was carried out using MEDLINE, EMBASE and Web of Science. Studies were included if aneurysm sac pressure measurements as well as systemic pressure measurements were performed during or after EVAR. Mean pressure in... Abstract
Cited 10 times since 2007 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Volume 151, Issue 32, 1 1 2007, Pages 1777-1782 [Guideline 'Differentiated thyroid carcinoma', including diagnosis of thyroid nodules]. Links TP, Huysmans DA, Smit JW, de Heide LJ, Hamming JF, Kievit J, van Leeuwen M, van Pel R, de Klerk JM, van der Wel Y
Differentiated thyroid carcinoma is a rare disease. Appropriate diagnosis, treatment and follow-up are complex but greatly influence treatment outcomes and patient quality of life. Patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma present in many hospitals throughout the Netherlands, underscoring the need for uniformity in diagnosis and treatment. This prompted the Dutch Society of Nuclear Medicine and the Dutch Endocrine Society to develop an evidence-based guideline that emphasises not only new s... Abstract
Journal of vascular surgery, Volume 46, Issue 2, 1 1 2007, Pages 403; author reply 403-4 Regarding "Initial results of wireless pressure sensing for endovascular aneurysm repair: The APEX trial--Acute Pressure Measurement to Confirm Aneurysm Sac EXclusion". Hinnen JW, Koning OH, Van Bockel HJ, Hamming JF
Cited 45 times since 2007 (2.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, Volume 50, Issue 2, 1 1 2007, Pages 219-228 Temporary worsening of renal function after aortic surgery is associated with higher long-term mortality. Welten GM, Schouten O, Chonchol M, Hoeks SE, Feringa HH, Bax JJ, Dunkelgrün M, van Gestel YR, van Domburg RT, Poldermans D
Background: Little is known about acute changes in renal function in the postoperative period and the outcome of patients undergoing major vascular surgery. Specifically, data are scarce for patients in whom renal function temporarily decreases and returns to baseline at 3 days after surgery. Study design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting & participants: 1,324 patients who underwent elective open abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery in a single center. Predictor: Renal function (creatinine c... Abstract
Cited 17 times since 2007 (1 per year) source: EuropePMC
The Annals of thoracic surgery, Volume 84, Issue 2, 1 1 2007, Pages 599-605 Right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction with the bovine jugular vein graft: 5 years' experience with 133 patients. Sekarski N, van Meir H, Rijlaarsdam ME, Schoof PH, Koolbergen DR, Hruda J, von Segesser LK, Meijboom EJ, Hazekamp MG
Background: We analyzed the results in two centers of using bovine jugular vein graft for right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction. Methods: From April 1999 to July 2005, 133 children with a median age of 30.9 months (range, 4 days to 19 years) underwent graft implantation. Echocardiography was performed during follow-up and retrospectively reviewed. Results: Nongraft-related early mortality occurred in 8 patients. Late mortality occurred in 11 patients, 2 late deaths were graft related (e... Abstract
Cited 31 times since 2007 (1.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
The Journal of rheumatology, Volume 34, Issue 9, 1 1 2007, Pages 1882-1887 Serum uric acid levels and risk for vascular diseases in patients with metabolic syndrome. Hjortnaes J, Algra A, Olijhoek J, Huisman M, Jacobs J, van der Graaf Y, Visseren F
Objective: Gout and increased serum uric acid (SUA) levels are often seen in patients with components of the metabolic syndrome. Increased SUA levels are associated with increased vascular risk, as is the metabolic syndrome. We investigated the association between SUA levels and the metabolic syndrome in a population of patients with manifest vascular disease to determine whether SUA levels convey an independent risk for vascular disease in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Methods: A nested... Abstract
Acta cardiologica, Volume 62, Issue 4, 1 1 2007, Pages 367-372 Hypertension as a predictor of adverse cardiac events in patients with borderline fractional flow reserve. Arslan F, Kaya MG, van der Heijden G, Timurkaynak T, Cengel A
Objective: The cut-off value myocardial fractional flow reserve (FFRmyo) < 0.75 identifies patients with clinically significant coronary stenosis. Normally PCI is deferred with a FFRmyo > or = 0.75. Other clinical characteristics may affect such treatment decision. Therefore, we studied the association between baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes in an unselected patient cohort with coronary artery disease, with intermediate coronary stenosis, initially referred for PCI, but in w... Abstract
Cited 23 times since 2007 (1.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of vascular surgery, Volume 46, Issue 3, 30 5 2007, Pages 507-512 Poor health-related quality of life in patients with peripheral arterial disease: type D personality and severity of peripheral arterial disease as independent predictors. Aquarius AE, Denollet J, de Vries J, Hamming JF
Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is associated with poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL), but individual differences in this patient-based outcome are not fully understood. We examined the impact of PAD severity, invasive treatment, and type D personality, defined as tendencies to experience negative emotions and be socially inhibited, on HRQOL in a 1-year follow-up study. Method: At their first visit to the department of surgery at the St. Elisabeth Hospital in Tilburg, The... Abstract
Cited 365 times since 2007 (20.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Circulation, Volume 116, Issue 6, 23 4 2007, Pages 637-647 Utility of Doppler echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging in the estimation of diastolic function in heart failure with normal ejection fraction: a comparative Doppler-conductance catheterization study. Kasner M, Westermann D, Steendijk P, Gaub R, Wilkenshoff U, Weitmann K, Hoffmann W, Poller W, Schultheiss HP, Pauschinger M, Tschöpe C
Background: Various conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiographic indexes were compared with pressure-volume loop analysis to assess their accuracy in detecting left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction in patients with heart failure with normal ejection fraction (HFNEF). Methods and results: Diastolic dysfunction was confirmed by pressure-volume loop analysis obtained by conductance catheter in 43 patients (19 men) with HFNEF. Their Doppler indexes were compared with those of 12 control p... Abstract
Cited 107 times since 2007 (6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Heart (British Cardiac Society), Volume 94, Issue 3, 23 4 2007, Pages 290-295 Prevalence of coronary artery disease and plaque morphology assessed by multi-slice computed tomography coronary angiography and calcium scoring in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes. Scholte AJ, Schuijf JD, Kharagjitsingh AV, Jukema JW, Pundziute G, van der Wall EE, Bax JJ
Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of CAD as well as plaque morphology in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes using multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT). In addition, the relation between calcium score and MSCT findings was explored. Design: In 70 patients, coronary calcium scoring and non-invasive coronary angiography were performed. Angiograms showing atherosclerosis were further classified as obstructive (> or =50% luminal narrowing) CAD or not. Pla... Abstract
Cited 38 times since 2007 (2.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, Volume 293, Issue 4, 20 3 2007, Pages H2438-47 Mesenchymal stem cells from ischemic heart disease patients improve left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction. Grauss RW, Winter EM, van Tuyn J, Pijnappels DA, Steijn RV, Hogers B, van der Geest RJ, de Vries AA, Steendijk P, van der Laarse A, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Schalij MJ, Atsma DE
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from healthy donors improve cardiac function in experimental acute myocardial infarction (AMI) models. However, little is known about the therapeutic capacity of human MSCs (hMSCs) from patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). Therefore, the behavior of hMSCs from IHD patients in an immune-compromised mouse AMI model was studied. Enhanced green fluorescent protein-labeled hMSCs from IHD patients (hMSC group: 2 x 10(5) cells in 20 microl, n = 12) or vehicle only (... Abstract