Cited 3 times since 2009 (0.2 per year) source: EuropePMC Nuklearmedizin. Nuclear medicine, Volume 48, Issue 2, 14 2 2009, Pages 71-78 [Position paper nuclear cardiology: update 2008]. Schäfers M, Bengel F, Büll U, Burchert W, Kies P, Kluge R, Krause BJ, Lindner O, Nienaber C, Nowak B, Schäfer W, Schober O, Schwaiger M, Silber S, Vom Dahl J, Zimmermann R
Nuclear cardiology is well established in clinical diagnostic algorithms for many years. This is an update 2008 of the first common position paper of the German Association of Nuclear Medicine and the German Association of Cardiology, Heart and Circulation Research published in 2001 aiming at an overview of state-of-the-art scintigraphic methods.