Cited 6 times since 2015 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC PloS one, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2 1 2015, Pages e0115119 Long-term impact of battle injuries; five-year follow-up of injured Dutch servicemen in Afghanistan 2006-2010. Hoencamp R, Idenburg FJ, van Dongen TT, de Kruijff LG, Huizinga EP, Plat MC, Hoencamp E, Leenen LP, Hamming JF, Vermetten E


Units deployed to armed conflicts are at high risk for exposure to combat events. Many battle casualties (BCs) have been reported in the recent deployment to Afghanistan. The long-term impact of these combat injuries, at their five-year end point, is currently unknown. To date, no systematic inventory has been performed of an identified group of BCs in comparison to non-injured service members from the same operational theatre.


Observational cross-sectional cohort study.


Open online survey among Dutch BCs that deployed to Afghanistan (2006-2010).


The Dutch BCs (n = 62) were compared to two control groups of non-injured combat groups (battle exposed [n = 53], and non-battle exposed [n = 73]).

Main outcome measures

Participants rated their impact of trauma exposure (Impact of Events [IES]), post deployment reintegration (Post Deployment Reintegration Scale [PDRS]), general symptoms of distress (Symptom Checklist 90 [SCL-90]), as well as their current perceived quality of life (EuroQol-6D [EQ-6D]). Also cost effectiveness (Short From health survey [SF-36]) and care consumption were assessed (Trimbos/iMTA questionnaire).


Over 90% of BCs were still in active duty. The mean scores of all questionnaires (IES, EQ-6D, SF-36, and SCL-90) of the BC group were significantly higher than in the control groups (p<0.05). The PDRS showed a significantly lower (p<0.05) outcome in the negative subscales. The mean consumption of care was triple that of both control groups. A lower score on quality of life was related to higher levels of distress and impact of trauma exposure.


This study showed a clear long-term impact on a wide range of scales that contributes to a reduced quality of life in a group of BCs. Low perceived cost effectiveness matched with high consumption of care in the BC group in comparison to the control groups. These results warrant continuous monitoring of BCs.

PLoS One. 2015 2;10(2):e0115119