Ankara Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesi dergisi = The Journal of the Dental Faculty of Ankara University, Volume 16, Issue 1, 1 1 1989, Pages 173-177 [Schwannoma (neurilemmoma): a case report]. Yavuz GE, Yilmaz D, Oygür T

Neurilemmoma, neurofibroma and neuroma are benign neoplasms of nerve tissue. These arise from components of the peripheral nerves. They are extremely rare within the jaws. Schwannoma or neurilemmoma may occur along the route of any of the peripheral cranial or sympathetic nerves. The source of origin is thought to be the schwann cells. Its appearance in oral and paraoral regions is not rare. Treatment is surgical and the prognosis is excellent. It has no tendency toward recurrence. Our schwannoma case is found noteworthy because of its localisation and subsequent complications and is presented to your concern.

Ankara Univ Hekim Fak Derg. 1989 5;16(1):173-177