Cited 7 times since 2016 (0.8 per year) source: EuropePMC BMJ case reports, Volume 2016, 15 3 2016, Pages bcr2015213106 Multiple carpometacarpal dislocations and an associated fracture of the hamate: an uncommon injury. Brinkman JN, Hartholt KA, de Vries MR

Dislocation of the four ulnar carpometacarpal (CMC) joints with a concurrent fracture of the hamate is a rare injury, with a paucity of published cases. A great force is required to dislocate a CMC joint. Diagnosis can easily be missed, due to other serious associated injuries. Appropriate treatment of CMC joint dislocations usually leads to excellent outcomes. We present a case of dorsal dislocation of the four ulnar CMC joints after punching a wall. The injury was treated with a closed reduction and percutaneous transfixation with Kirschner-wires. Despite the extensive injury, the functional result was good (full and painless range of motion) at 12 weeks of follow-up.

BMJ Case Rep. 2016 2;2016:bcr2015213106