Cited 26 times since 2017 (3.2 per year) source: EuropePMC Current opinion in virology, Volume 22, 2 1 2017, Pages 64-70 Capturing norovirus transmission. de Graaf M, Villabruna N, Koopmans MP

Human norovirus is a leading cause of gastroenteritis and is efficiently transmitted between humans and around the globe. The burden of norovirus infections in the global community and in health-care settings warrant the availability of outbreak prevention strategies and control measures that are tailored to the pathogen, outbreak setting and population at risk. A better understanding of viral and host determinants of transmission would aid in developing and fine-tuning such efforts. Here, we describe mechanisms of transmission, available model systems for studying norovirus transmission and their strengths and weaknesses as well as future research strategies.

Curr Opin Virol. 2017 1;22:64-70