Cited 33 times since 2016 (4 per year) source: EuropePMC Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Volume 7, 18 3 2016, Pages 11-23 STROKOG (stroke and cognition consortium): An international consortium to examine the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neurocognitive disorders in relation to cerebrovascular disease. Sachdev PS, Lo JW, Crawford JD, Mellon L, Hickey A, Williams D, Bordet R, Mendyk AM, Gelé P, Deplanque D, Bae HJ, Lim JS, Brodtmann A, Werden E, Cumming T, Köhler S, Verhey FR, Dong YH, Tan HH, Chen C, Xin X, Kalaria RN, Allan LM, Akinyemi RO, Ogunniyi A, Klimkowicz-Mrowiec A, Dichgans M, Wollenweber FA, Zietemann V, Hoffmann M, Desmond DW, Linden T, Blomstrand C, Fagerberg B, Skoog I, Godefroy O, Barbay M, Roussel M, Lee BC, Yu KH, Wardlaw J, Makin SJ, Doubal FN, Chappell FM, Srikanth VK, Thrift AG, Donnan GA, Kandiah N, Chander RJ, Lin X, Cordonnier C, Moulin S, Rossi C, Sabayan B, Stott DJ, Jukema JW, Melkas S, Jokinen H, Erkinjuntti T, Mok VC, Wong A, Lam BY, Leys D, Hénon H, Bombois S, Lipnicki DM, Kochan NA, STROKOG
The Stroke and Cognition consortium (STROKOG) aims to facilitate a better understanding of the determinants of vascular contributions to cognitive disorders and help improve the diagnosis and treatment of vascular cognitive disorders (VCD).
Longitudinal studies with ≥75 participants who had suffered or were at risk of stroke or TIA and which evaluated cognitive function were invited to join STROKOG. The consortium will facilitate projects investigating rates and patterns of cognitive decline, risk factors for VCD, and biomarkers of vascular dementia.
Currently, STROKOG includes 25 (21 published) studies, with 12,092 participants from five continents. The duration of follow-up ranges from 3 months to 21 years.
Although data harmonization will be a key challenge, STROKOG is in a unique position to reuse and combine international cohort data and fully explore patient level characteristics and outcomes. STROKOG could potentially transform our understanding of VCD and have a worldwide impact on promoting better vascular cognitive outcomes.