Cited 11 times since 2017 (1.4 per year) source: EuropePMC Cardiovascular research, Volume 113, Issue 10, 1 1 2017, Pages 1186-1197 RHOA-ROCK signalling is necessary for lateralization and differentiation of the developing sinoatrial node. Vicente-Steijn R, Kelder TP, Tertoolen LG, Wisse LJ, Pijnappels DA, Poelmann RE, Schalij MJ, deRuiter MC, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Jongbloed MRM


RHOA-ROCK signalling regulates cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, and transcription. RHOA is expressed in the developing cardiac conduction system in chicken and mice. In early development, the entire sinus venosus myocardium, including both the transient left-sided and the definitive sinoatrial node (SAN), has pacemaker potential. Later, pacemaker potential is restricted to the right-sided SAN. Disruption of RHOA expression in adult mice causes arrhythmias including bradycardia and atrial fibrillation, the mechanism of which is unknown but presumed to affect the SAN. The aim of this study is to assess the role of RHOA-ROCK signalling in SAN development in the chicken heart.

Methods and results

ROCK signalling was inhibited chemically in embryonic chicken hearts using Y-27632. This prolonged the immature state of the sinus venosus myocardium, evidenced by up-regulation of the transcription factor ISL1, wide distribution of pacemaker potential, and significantly reduced heart rate. Furthermore ROCK inhibition caused aberrant expression of typical SAN genes: ROCK1, ROCK2, SHOX2, TBX3, TBX5, ISL1, HCN4, CX40, CAV3.1, and NKX2.5 and left-right asymmetry genes: PITX2C and NODAL. Anatomical abnormalities in pulmonary vein development were also observed. Patch clamp electrophysiology confirmed the immature phenotype of the SAN cells and a residual left-sided sinus venosus myocardium pacemaker-like potential.


RHOA-ROCK signalling is involved in establishing the right-sided SAN as the definitive pacemaker of the heart and restricts typical pacemaker gene expression to the right side of the sinus venosus myocardium.

Cardiovasc Res. 2017 8;113(10):1186-1197