Multimedia manual of cardiothoracic surgery : MMCTS, Volume 2017, 25 4 2017 The Ross reimplantation technique. Schneider A, Klautz RJM, Hazekamp M
Pulmonary autograft replacement of a diseased aortic valve (the Ross procedure) is effective in children, where growth is essential, and in young patients for whom a biological solution is preferred. Long-term outcomes are generally good. However eventual autograft dilatation may necessitate reoperation. In order to diminish the risk of autograft dilatation, several 'wrapping' techniques have been developed. Here, we present our technique of choice: the reimplantation of the pulmonary autograft in a vascular tube graft, scalloping the sinuses of Valsalva. This leaves no bulky tissue inside the vascular tube graft and makes autograft dilatation impossible.