Cited 4 times since 2018 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC Pediatric cardiology, Volume 39, Issue 4, 16 3 2018, Pages 690-694 Pulmonary Valve Morphology in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valves. Koenraadt WMC, Bartelings MM, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Bökenkamp R, DeRuiter MC, Schalij MJ, Jongbloed MRM
The aortic and pulmonary valve share a common developmental origin from the embryonic arterial trunk. Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital anomaly and can occur isolated as well as in association with other congenital heart disease (CHD). Data on pulmonary valve morphology in these cases are scarce. In this study, we aimed to determine pulmonary valve morphology in hearts with BAV associated with CHD. In 83 post-mortem heart specimens with BAV and associated CHD, pulmonary valve morphology was studied and related to BAV morphology. In 14/83 (17%) hearts, the pulmonary valve was affected, bicuspid in 8/83 (10%), dome-shaped in 3/83 (4%) and atretic in 3/83 (4%). In specimens with a bicuspid pulmonary valve, 5/8 (63%) had a strictly bicuspid aortic valve (without raphe), 2/3 hearts (67%) with dome-shaped pulmonary valves and 2/3 hearts (67%) with atretic pulmonary valves had BAV without raphe. Six out of eight (75%) specimens with a bicuspid pulmonary valve had a perimembranous ventricular septal defect (VSD). 4/8 (50%) specimens with a bicuspid pulmonary valve were associated with chromosomal abnormalities: 3 (38%) had trisomy 18 and 1 (13%) had trisomy 13. In BAV with associated CHD, abnormal pulmonary valve morphology was observed in 17% of the hearts. The majority of hearts with abnormal pulmonary valve morphology had a Type B bicuspid aortic valve (without raphe). Bilateral semilunar valvular disease is associated with Type B BAVs and in many cases related to chromosomal abnormalities. As this study was performed in post-mortem specimens with high frequency of associated CHD, caution is warranted with application of these results to the general BAV population.