Cited 4 times since 2020 (0.8 per year) source: EuropePMC Medicine, Volume 99, Issue 17, 1 1 2020, Pages e19851 Pain acceptance levels of patients with chronic pain. Çinar HG, Yilmaz D, Akin E

This study was conducted with the aim of determining pain acceptance levels in patients with chronic pain attending an algology outpatients' department.The research was conducted as a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The population of the study consisted of 97 patients with chronic pain who attended the Algology Outpatients' Department of the Health Implementation and Research Center of Bursa Uludağ University. A Patient Description Form and a Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) were used to collect research data.The participants' mean sub-score for accomplishing activities by patients with chronic pain was found to be 31.10 ± 11.84, their mean sub-score for pain willingness was 36.65 ± 10.37, and their mean score for the total scale was 67.76 ± 18.30. A statistically significant difference was found between the participants' total score means and their sub-score means according to their education level and frequency of experiencing pain (P < .05), but no statistically significant difference was found according to such factors as age, profession, marital status, or medications used (P > .05).It was found that female sex was generally exposed to chronic pain, and factors such as age, marital status, and drug treatment did not differ in the rate of acceptance of chronic pain, and the rate of acceptance of pain in workers was higher, those with lower education level were lower. There is a need that new studies with larger sample groups regarding the factors affecting the acceptance of chronic pain.

Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 4;99(17):e19851