Nature, Volume 585, Issue 7825, 1 1 2020, Pages E11 Author Correction: Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks. MacNeil MA, Chapman DD, Heupel M, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus M, Meekan M, Harvey E, Goetze J, Kiszka J, Bond ME, Currey-Randall LM, Speed CW, Sherman CS, Rees MJ, Udyawer V, Flowers KI, Clementi G, Valentin-Albanese J, Gorham T, Adam MS, Ali K, Pina-Amargós F, Angulo-Valdés JA, Asher J, Barcia LG, Beaufort O, Benjamin C, Bernard ATF, Berumen ML, Bierwagen S, Bonnema E, Bown RMK, Bradley D, Brooks E, Brown JJ, Buddo D, Burke P, Cáceres C, Cardeñosa D, Carrier JC, Caselle JE, Charloo V, Claverie T, Clua E, Cochran JEM, Cook N, Cramp J, D'Alberto B, de Graaf M, Dornhege M, Estep A, Fanovich L, Farabaugh NF, Fernando D, Flam AL, Floros C, Fourqurean V, Garla R, Gastrich K, George L, Graham R, Guttridge T, Hardenstine RS, Heck S, Henderson AC, Hertler H, Hueter R, Johnson M, Jupiter S, Kasana D, Kessel ST, Kiilu B, Kirata T, Kuguru B, Kyne F, Langlois T, Lédée EJI, Lindfield S, Luna-Acosta A, Maggs J, Manjaji-Matsumoto BM, Marshall A, Matich P, McCombs E, McLean D, Meggs L, Moore S, Mukherji S, Murray R, Kaimuddin
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