Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Volume 164, 20 3 2020, Pages D5241 [Investigation into medical disciplinary law critically examined]. Hamming JF

There is a suggestion that the medical disciplinary committees (MDC) in the Netherlands are making more severe rulings on medical professionals. In a 10-year analysis of MDC rulings, it appears that complaints made by patients are more frequently being judged to be well-founded, and that the measures being taken are more severe. The authors conclude that there is a numerical basis for the increasing severity of the rulings. However, a numerical trend as such does not constitute proof of this, as the way in which the ruling is arrived at is unknown. A more thorough analysis of the patient complaints, the ruling and the underlying arguments is necessary. The authors also make some other statements that can be refuted. The importance of the possible influence of the increasing complexity of health care as a factor in the increase in complaints to the MDC is not addressed.

Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2020 8;164:D5241