Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Volume 165, 16 3 2021, Pages D6492 [Appreciative calamity investigation]. Hamming JF, den Dijker L, Steneker I
Calamity investigations often lead to recommendations that are difficult to implement and that are of little relevance, because the analysis is carried out according to a cause and effect system. The complexity of care provision requires a different method that respects the complexity of day-to-day care and is able to assess it correctly. Research according to the Safety-II philosophy clearly shows the variable interactions and dependencies present in daily work. These investigations require more effort and time, but lead to better recommendations, better recognition among professionals and an appreciative way of interviewing. This is to the satisfaction of calamity investigators, involved professionals and patients and family. This method of investigation requires an investment in time and people of the healthcare institution.