Stem cell reports, Volume 20, Issue 1, 5 1 2024, Pages 102371 Glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibition and insulin enhance proliferation and inhibit maturation of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes via TCF and FOXO signaling. Yuan Q, Verbueken D, Dinani R, Kim R, Schoger E, Morsink CD, Simkooei SA, Kemna LJM, Hjortnaes J, Kuster DWD, Boon RA, Zelarayan LC, van der Velden J, Buikema JW
Embryonic signaling pathways exert stage-specific effects during cardiac development, yet the precise signals for proliferation or maturation remain elusive. To uncover the cues for proliferation, we performed a combinatory cell-cycle screen for insulin and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) inhibition in spontaneously beating human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs). Our analysis for proliferation, and subsequential downstream sarcomere development, gene expression analysis, and molecular interventions identified a temporal interplay between insulin/Akt/FOXO and CHIR99021/Wnt/GSK3/TCF signaling. Combined pathway activation led to proliferation of immature hiPSC-CMs with low sarcomere and mitochondria content, while, in the absence of pathway activators, cardiomyocytes rapidly exited the cell cycle and fetched higher organization of sarcomeres and mitochondria. Our data demonstrate two important pathways, which enhance proliferation and inhibit maturation, and provide molecular mechanistic understanding of these cell fate decisions in immature hiPSC-CMs.