International journal of cardiology. Congenital heart disease, Volume 14, 17 3 2023, Pages 100476 Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation in right ventricle-aorta conduit in an adult patient with Fontan circulation. Nederend M, van der Kley F, Regeer MV, Bökenkamp R, de Weger A, Jongbloed MRM, Egorova AD

Catheter interventions can offer patient tailored solutions in high-risk congenital heart disease patients. A 21-year-old male with a Fontan circulation in the setting of unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect with a hypoplastic left ventricle and an aortic homograft connecting the right ventricular outflow tract to the ascending aorta, developed failure of the heavily calcified homograft with severe regurgitation and stenosis. He underwent three sequential transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantations to address the homograft failure and the subsequent paravalvular regurgitation, with satisfactory result and improved hemodynamics.

Int J Cardiol Congenit Heart Dis. 2023 9;14:100476