Open heart, Volume 12, Issue 1, 30 5 2025, Pages e003009 Sacubitril/valsartan is associated with improvements in quality of life in adult congenital heart disease patients with systemic right ventricular failure. Neijenhuis RML, Nederend M, van Groningen AE, Jongbloed MRM, Vliegen HW, Jukema JW, Kiès P, Egorova AD


Short-term improvements in quality of life (QOL) have been reported in adult congenital heart disease patients with systemic right ventricle (sRV) failure after treatment with sacubitril/valsartan. This study aimed to evaluate the medium-term QOL changes in sRV failure patients treated with sacubitril/valsartan.


In this single-centre, prospective cohort study, patients with symptomatic sRV failure completed the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research/Academic Hospital Leiden Questionnaire for Adult's Health-Related Quality of Life (TAAQOL) at baseline and after starting treatment with sacubitril/valsartan. The TAAQOL was taken at structured outpatient follow-up moments after 6, 12, 24 and 36 months of treatment. Linear mixed effects models were used to evaluate the medium-term changes in 12 QOL domains.


Of 40 sRV failure patients initiated on sacubitril/valsartan, 35 completed the titration phase, and 31 filled in a total of 98 TAAQOL questionnaires (response rate 77.5%). Significant improvements in gross motoric functioning (p=0.008), cognitive function (p=0.002), sleep (p=0.041), social functioning (p<0.001) and daily activities (p=0.001) were observed during follow-up. No significant changes were observed in fine motoric functioning, pain, sexuality, vitality, positive, depressive or aggressive emotions. Of interest, periods with restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly influence changes over time in any of the 12 QOL domains.


Sacubitril/valsartan treatment was associated with persistent medium-term QOL improvements in gross motoric functioning, cognitive function, sleep, social functioning and daily activities domains in sRV failure patients. Self-perceived QOL of sRV failure patients may be amenable to improvement with sacubitril/valsartan.

Open Heart. 2025 1;12(1):e003009