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Below you can find a list of our published research.
6555 results
Cited 51 times since 2011 (3.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology, Volume 13, Issue 11, 28 4 2011, Pages 1533-1540 Prognostic value of total atrial conduction time estimated with tissue Doppler imaging to predict the recurrence of atrial fibrillation after radiofrequency catheter ablation. den Uijl DW, Gawrysiak M, Tops LF, Trines SA, Zeppenfeld K, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ, Delgado V
Aims: Total atrial activation time has been identified as an independent predictor of new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF). Echocardiographic assessment of PA-TDI duration provides an estimation of total atrial conduction time. The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic value of total atrial conduction time to predict AF recurrence after radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA). Methods and results: In 213 patients undergoing RFCA for symptomatic drug-refractory paroxysmal AF, the tota... Abstract
Cited 23 times since 2011 (1.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Acta physiologica (Oxford, England), Volume 203, Issue 4, 27 4 2011, Pages 409-418 The induction of mild hypothermia improves systolic function of the resuscitated porcine heart at no further sympathetic activation. Schwarzl M, Steendijk P, Huber S, Truschnig-Wilders M, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Maechler H, Pieske B, Post H
Aim: Mild hypothermia (MH) after cardiac arrest attenuates hypoxic brain injury and improves survival. As MH increases contractility in normal hearts, we hypothesized that MH improves cardiovascular function after cardiac arrest. Methods: In 16 anaesthetized pigs (64 ± 2 kg), ventricular fibrillation was induced electrically for 5 min. At 10 min after resuscitation and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), pigs were assigned to normothermia (NT, 38°C, n = 8) or MH (33°C, n = 8, intravascular... Abstract
Cited 25 times since 2011 (1.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
The American journal of cardiology, Volume 108, Issue 5, 22 4 2011, Pages 658-664 Comparison of the relation between the calcium score and plaque characteristics in patients with acute coronary syndrome versus patients with stable coronary artery disease, assessed by computed tomography angiography and virtual histology intravascular ultrasound. van Velzen JE, de Graaf FR, Jukema JW, de Grooth GJ, Pundziute G, Kroft LJ, de Roos A, Reiber JH, Bax JJ, Schalij MJ, Schuijf JD, van der Wall EE
A considerable number of patients with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) who present with a 0 or low calcium score (CS) still demonstrate coronary artery disease (CAD) and significant stenosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relation between the CS and the degree and character of atherosclerosis in patients with suspected ACS versus patients with stable CAD obtained by computed tomography angiography and virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH IVUS). Overall 112 patients... Abstract
Cited 9 times since 2011 (0.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, Volume 38, Issue 10, 21 3 2011, Pages 1899-1907 Impaired cardiac sympathetic innervation in symptomatic patients with long QT syndrome. Kies P, Paul M, Gerss J, Stegger L, Mönnig G, Schober O, Wichter T, Schäfers M, Schulze-Bahr E
Purpose: Increased sympathetic activation is a key modifier for arrhythmogenesis in patients with long QT syndrome (LQTS), a congenital channelopathy. Therefore, we investigated cardiac sympathetic function using 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in a cohort of symptomatic LQTS patients and correlated these findings with the underlying genotype. Methods: [123I]MIBG SPECT was performed in 28 LQTS patients. Among these, 18 patients (64%) had a p... Abstract
Cited 1 times since 2011 (0.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Nurse education today, Volume 32, Issue 4, 17 3 2011, Pages 373-377 Student nurses' perceptions of mental health care: validation of a questionnaire. van der Heijden A, van der Bijl J, Latour CH, Hoekstra H, van Meijel B
Aim: This article describes the results of a study into the psychometric properties of a questionnaire about student nurses' perceptions of mental health care. The questionnaire was constructed in 2008, but has not yet been tested in terms of construct validity and reliability. A validated questionnaire is essential as a standardized method of analyzing student nurses' perceptions of mental health care. Method: To investigate the construct validity, an exploratory factor analysis was p... Abstract
Cited 33 times since 2011 (2.4 per year) source: EuropePMC
Metabolic engineering, Volume 13, Issue 5, 17 3 2011, Pages 518-526 Increasing free-energy (ATP) conservation in maltose-grown Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression of a heterologous maltose phosphorylase. de Kok S, Yilmaz D, Suir E, Pronk JT, Daran JM, van Maris AJ
Increasing free-energy conservation from the conversion of substrate into product is crucial for further development of many biotechnological processes. In theory, replacing the hydrolysis of disaccharides by a phosphorolytic cleavage reaction provides an opportunity to increase the ATP yield on the disaccharide. To test this concept, we first deleted the native maltose metabolism genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The knockout strain showed no maltose-transport activity and a very low residual... Abstract
Cited 52 times since 2011 (3.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
American journal of hypertension, Volume 24, Issue 9, 16 3 2011, Pages 999-1006 SNPs in microRNA binding sites in 3'-UTRs of RAAS genes influence arterial blood pressure and risk of myocardial infarction. Nossent AY, Hansen JL, Doggen C, Quax PH, Sheikh SP, Rosendaal FR
Background: We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in microRNA (miR) binding sites in genes of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) can influence blood pressure and risk of myocardial infarction. Methods: Using online databases dbSNP and TargetScan, we identified 10 SNPs in potential miR binding sites in eight RAAS-related genes, common in Caucasians. We genotyped a large case-control study on myocardial infarctions, the Study of Myocardial Infarctions LEi... Abstract
Cited 83 times since 2011 (6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Thrombosis and haemostasis, Volume 106, Issue 1, 14 2 2011, Pages 1-19 Stabilisation of atherosclerotic plaques. Position paper of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group on atherosclerosis and vascular biology. Ylä-Herttuala S, Bentzon JF, Daemen M, Falk E, Garcia-Garcia HM, Herrmann J, Hoefer I, Jukema JW, Krams R, Kwak BR, Marx N, Naruszewicz M, Newby A, Pasterkamp G, Serruys PW, Waltenberger J, Weber C, Tokgözoglu L
Plaque rupture and subsequent thrombotic occlusion of the coronary artery account for as many as three quarters of myocardial infarctions. The concept of plaque stabilisation emerged about 20 years ago to explain the discrepancy between the reduction of cardiovascular events in patients receiving lipid lowering therapy and the small decrease seen in angiographic evaluation of atherosclerosis. Since then, the concept of a vulnerable plaque has received a lot of attention in basic and clinical res... Abstract
Cited 14 times since 2011 (1 per year) source: EuropePMC
American journal of medical genetics. Part A, Volume 155A, Issue 7, 10 2 2011, Pages 1661-1667 Adults with congenital heart disease: patients' knowledge and concerns about inheritance. van Engelen K, Baars MJ, van Rongen LT, van der Velde ET, Mulder BJ, Smets EM
With recent advances in medical and surgical management, most patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) survive to reproductive age. Current guidelines recommend counseling about inheritance and transmission of CHD to offspring. We evaluated whether adult CHD patients recalled having received information about the inheritance of their CHD, patients' knowledge about inheritance and their concerns in this regard. A questionnaire was sent to 486 non-syndromic CHD patients aged 20-45 years.... Abstract
Cited 18 times since 2011 (1.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
BMC musculoskeletal disorders, Volume 12, 9 2 2011, Pages 130 A hinged external fixator for complex elbow dislocations: a multicenter prospective cohort study. Schep NW, De Haan J, Iordens GI, Tuinebreijer WE, Bronkhorst MW, De Vries MR, Goslings JC, Ham SJ, Rhemrev S, Roukema GR, Schipper IB, Sintenie JB, Van der Meulen HG, Van Thiel TP, Van Vugt AB, Verleisdonk EJ, Vroemen JP, Wittich P, Patka P, Van Lieshout EM, Den Hartog D
Background: Elbow dislocations can be classified as simple or complex. Simple dislocations are characterized by the absence of fractures, while complex dislocations are associated with fractures of the radial head, olecranon, or coronoid process. The majority of patients with these complex dislocations are treated with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), or arthroplasty in case of a non-reconstructable radial head fracture. If the elbow joint remains unstable after fracture fixation, a... Abstract
Cited 48 times since 2011 (3.5 per year) source: EuropePMC
Cell transplantation, Volume 21, Issue 1, 7 1 2011, Pages 153-173 Myogenic properties of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from three different sources. de la Garza-Rodea AS, van der Velde-van Dijke I, Boersma H, Gonçalves MA, van Bekkum DW, de Vries AA, Knaän-Shanzer S
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of mammals have been isolated from many tissues and are characterized by their aptitude to differentiate into bone, cartilage, and fat. Differentiation into cells of other lineages like skeletal muscle, tendon/ligament, nervous tissue, and epithelium has been attained with MSCs derived from some tissues. Whether such abilities are shared by MSCs of all tissues is unknown. We therefore compared for three human donors the myogenic properties of MSCs from adipose tiss... Abstract
Cited 23 times since 2011 (1.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
European heart journal, Volume 32, Issue 21, 5 1 2011, Pages 2678-2687 Driving restrictions after implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation: an evidence-based approach. Thijssen J, Borleffs CJ, van Rees JB, de Bie MK, van der Velde ET, van Erven L, Bax JJ, Cannegieter SC, Schalij MJ
Aims: Little evidence is available regarding restrictions from driving following implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation or following first appropriate or inappropriate shock. The purpose of the current analysis was to provide evidence for driving restrictions based on real-world incidences of shocks (appropriate and inappropriate). Methods and results: A total of 2786 primary and secondary prevention ICD patients were included. The occurrence of shocks was noted during a media... Abstract
Cited 27 times since 2011 (2 per year) source: EuropePMC
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging, Volume 28, Issue 4, 3 1 2011, Pages 755-762 Right ventricular function declines after cardiac surgery in adult patients with congenital heart disease. Schuuring MJ, Bolmers PP, Mulder BJ, de Bruin-Bon RA, Koolbergen DR, Hazekamp MG, Lagrand WK, De Hert SG, de Beaumont EM, Bouma BJ
Right ventricular function (RVF) is often selectively declined after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. In adult patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) the incidence and persistence of declined RVF after cardiac surgery is unknown. The current study aimed to describe RVF after cardiac surgery in these patients. Adult CHD patients operated between January 2008 and December 2009 in the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam were studied. Clinical characteristics, laboratory tests, surgical... Abstract
Cited 39 times since 2011 (2.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging, Volume 28, Issue 4, 3 1 2011, Pages 921-933 Automatic centerline extraction of coronary arteries in coronary computed tomographic angiography. Yang G, Kitslaar P, Frenay M, Broersen A, Boogers MJ, Bax JJ, Reiber JH, Dijkstra J
Coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) is a non-invasive imaging modality for the visualization of the heart and coronary arteries. To fully exploit the potential of the CCTA datasets and apply it in clinical practice, an automated coronary artery extraction approach is needed. The purpose of this paper is to present and validate a fully automatic centerline extraction algorithm for coronary arteries in CCTA images. The algorithm is based on an improved version of Frangi's vesseln... Abstract
Cited 8 times since 2011 (0.6 per year) source: EuropePMC
Toxicology and industrial health, Volume 28, Issue 2, 2 1 2011, Pages 114-121 Influence of naringin on cadmium-induced genomic damage in human lymphocytes in vitro. Yilmaz D, Aydemir NC, Vatan O, Tüzün E, Bilaloglu R
Cadmium is an important toxic environmental heavy metal. Generally, occupational and environmental exposures to cadmium result from heavy metal mining, metallurgy and industrial use and the manufacturing of nickel-cadmium batteries, pigments and plastic stabilizers. Cadmium induces oxidative stress and alters the antioxidant system, resulting in oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation. The effect of naringin, a grapefruit flavonone, on cadmium-induced genomic damage was studied by using an i... Abstract
Cited 3 times since 2011 (0.2 per year) source: EuropePMC
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, Volume 13, Issue 3, 1 1 2011, Pages 339-340 Neo-coarctation after the arterial switch operation. Lalezari S, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Blom NA, Hazekamp MG
Neo-coarctation following arterial switch operation (ASO) for transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a complication that is not regularly described, but may occur. We describe five patients who developed a neo-coarctation after operation. They were diagnosed with TGA, either with or without ventricular septal defect without signs or symptoms of a coarctation. Except for one patient, all patients were reoperated for a neo-coarctation within one year after the ASO. Several explanations are d... Abstract
Cited 2 times since 2011 (0.1 per year) source: EuropePMC
Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation, Volume 19, Issue 6, 1 1 2011, Pages 297-300 Patent ductus arteriosus in adults - indications and possibilities for closure. van de Sandt FM, Boekholdt SM, Bouma BJ, Groenink M, Backx AP, Koolbergen DR, de Winter RJ, Mulder BJ
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a rare diagnosis in adults, since symptoms and signs usually occur in infancy and most cases are treated shortly after diagnosis. We present two patients who were first diagnosed with PDA during adulthood. The first case represents a more severe form of PDA, where the need for closure of the PDA is obvious. In the second case the sequelae of the PDA are less clear. In both patients, closure of the PDA (surgically in one case, percutaneously in the other) was suc... Abstract
Cited 11 times since 2011 (0.8 per year) source: EuropePMC
Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Volume 15, Issue 3, 1 1 2011, Pages 256-262 Determinants and outcome of unsuccessful referral after positive screening in a large birth-cohort study of population-based vision screening. Tjiam AM, Groenewoud JH, Passchier J, Loudon SE, De Graaf M, Hoogeveen WC, Lantau VK, Juttmann RE, De Koning HJ, Simonsz HJ
Purpose: The efficacy of population-based vision screening is hampered by unsuccessful referral after a positive screening test. We studied the nature and causes of unsuccessful referral in a 7-year birth cohort study of vision screening in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Methods: All parents of children who had been unsuccessfully referred were asked whether they recalled the referral. Reasons for noncompliance, if any, were identified using semi-structured interviews. Screening records were checke... Abstract
Cited 24 times since 2011 (1.7 per year) source: EuropePMC
Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation, Volume 19, Issue 6, 1 1 2011, Pages 290-296 Founder mutations in the Netherlands: familial idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and DPP6. Postema PG, Christiaans I, Hofman N, Alders M, Koopmann TT, Bezzina CR, Loh P, Zeppenfeld K, Volders PG, Wilde AA
In this part of a series on founder mutations in the Netherlands, we review familial idiopathic ventricular fibrillation linked to the DPP6 gene. Familial idiopathic ventricular fibrillation determines an intriguing subset of the inheritable arrhythmia syndromes as there is no recognisable phenotype during cardiological investigation other than ventricular arrhythmias highly associated with sudden cardiac death. Until recently, it was impossible to identify presymptomatic family members at risk... Abstract
Cited 31 times since 2011 (2.3 per year) source: EuropePMC
Arthritis care & research, Volume 63, Issue 6, 1 1 2011, Pages 909-917 Randomized comparison of a multidisciplinary team care program with usual care in patients with systemic sclerosis. Schouffoer AA, Ninaber MK, Beaart-van de Voorde LJ, van der Giesen FJ, de Jong Z, Stolk J, Voskuyl AE, Scherptong RW, van Laar JM, Schuerwegh AJ, Huizinga TW, Vlieland TP
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary team care program with usual outpatient care in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc; scleroderma). Methods: We performed a randomized controlled trial comparing a 12-week multidisciplinary team care program (1 day per week; individual treatments, group exercises, and group education) with outpatient clinic care. Outcome measures included the Hand Mobility in Scleroderma (HAMIS) test, grip strength, maximal mouth opening (MMO), 6-mi... Abstract